never again.

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'Xie lian?,' Hua cheng thought smiling at the name. It was a beautiful name.

Though in no time, another thought creeped up in his mind.'What punishment is he talking about? Something which was my fault. Why would he get punished for it? I have to stop that damn king'

With that, Hua cheng continued to overthink with such a serious expression that anybody would think this general is planning a war.

While he continued to overthink, his thoughts get interrupted by the sound of harsh footsteps dashing towards him with echoing in the empty hall.

It was He xuan. He was absolutely furious at him.

'I forgot he was here shit' Hua cheng realizes.

"What is going on, you dumbass, why did you leave in such a hast?!"

"Why did you come here? Don't you know this is near to the king's place?!"

"Are you crazy why are you sleeves torn up like that!?"

He xuan continued to interrogate him for a few more minutes, and then finally, after calming down, Hua cheng told him everything that had happened while they had started to leave.

He xuan acknowledged his acts, but he was still disappointed at him for causing such problems.

"Now don't you dare overthink about him you have much more important business to deal with," he xuan commands him.

"I am aware of that, and thank you. I apologize again, " Hua cheng says while he sits on his horse.


"What did you say?" Hua chengs raises his left eyebrow at that.

"Nothing. Now let's depart, shall we? or do you want to wait for him here?"

"I wish I could,"

That resulted in a lecture again on the way back.


Unsurprisingly, in just four days, another 'meeting' was held, or in other words, the King wanted to waste no time, and God knows why.

Hua cheng wanted to not see Xie lian today as he must be healing now. Though it felt quite boring now but nevertheless He xuan is there with him. His buddy.

"C'mon, now get that frown off. Act normal now. "

"Yeahhh.." Hua cheng replies lazily.

As they enter the main hall, He xuan's eyes catch the dancer.

Xie lian was here.

"Why is Xie lian here? Isn't he hurt and supposed to be resting?" He xuan asks Hua cheng as if he knew himself.

Hua cheng's eyes widen at the sight of him, his eyebrows furrow.

"Why on earth is he here?! He's dancing?!" Hua cheng says in anger, which makes some of the people present attention fall onto him and He xuan.

"Quite down, We can talk about this silently. Just wait a bit, then maybe if you want, we can talk to the king about this" He xuan said, trying to assure him. His hand holds Hua cheng's hand in a way to calm him down.

"That fucker" Hua cheng lets out a deep sigh in anger.

Hua cheng continues to curse him throughout but under his breath only.

They sit on their place and the meeting continues like usual.

The king and generals continue to chat. However, Hua cheng's attention always stayed onto Xie lian. His moments were slow and graceful though his feet, He didn't move as much, almost only performing with his arms.

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