Chapter 7: First Day Of School Part 1

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As the morning sun bathed Beacon Academy in its golden glow, Jaune and his team roused themselves from sleep, eagerly preparing for their first day as students. They exchanged glances, considering whether to inform Team RWBY about their class schedule.

Pyrrha: Shouldn't we let Team RWBY know about our classes?

Jaune waved his scroll nonchalantly.

Jaune: Nah, they'll be fine. The dorm has a clock, and I'm sure they have alarms on their scrolls or other devices.

Satisfied with Jaune's response, Pyrrha nodded. Nora turned to Ren, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Nora: Hey, Ren, what class do we have first?

Ren: First we have Professor Port Grimm Study and then-...

Ren began explaining their schedule, listing each class they had for the day. 

Ren: And at 4 PM, we have Miss Goodwitch Combat Classes.

Nora's excitement started to grow.

Nora: Ohhhh, combat! Yay!

Their discussions continued as they strolled towards the classroom. Upon entering, they were greeted by a jovial, portly man with an impressive mustache.

Port: Ah, Team JNPR! Good morning and welcome to Beacon, and to your first class of the day! Please take a seat, and we will begin shortly.

Team JNPR settled into their seats near the front, buzzing with anticipation for the lessons and knowledge they were about to gain. Team RWBY arrived just in time, slightly out of breath from their hurried journey.

Jaune: They seem tired.

Pyrrha agreed.

Pyrrha: Perhaps it would have been a good idea to inform them.

Jaune sighed, reflecting on his decision. 

Jaune: Maybe.

As Team RWBY took their seats nearby, Professor Port commenced his lesson,

Port: Good morning, my diligent students! Today, I have a tale that will surely keep you at the edge of your seats.

The class of students was prepared for a epic tale as this must be a action filled with plot twist and drama to be told here.

Port: It all began on a gloomy day in the depths of the Forever Fall forest. I was on a solo mission, hunting down a particularly elusive Grimm creature. The rain poured down relentlessly, drenching me to the bone.

He adjusts his glasses and clears his throat, ready to launch into the long story.

Port: Now, this Grimm, let me tell you, was the most unremarkable of its kind. A lowly Beowolf with extraordinary traits as it had one large claw that was Twice its size! It was a tedious adversary, my friends. But being the valiant Huntsman that I am, I pressed on.

Some students start fidgeting in their seats, anticipating a more exciting turn in the story.

Port: I tracked that Beowolf for hours, slipping and sliding in the muddy terrain, with the rain pelting against my helmet like a never-ending symphony. Oh, the countless times I stumbled and nearly lost my footing. But did I give up? No! I soldiered on.

A few students stifle yawns, struggling to maintain their focus.

Port: Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I caught up to the Beowolf. It snarled at me, its eyes filled with a mundane level of ferocity. We engaged in a lackluster battle, my weapon clashing against its claws in the most toughest way thought possible!.

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