Procella Irbis - Act I (Part 1)

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 Jean Gunnhildr was busy processing documents in her office, as usual. The pile of signed documents suggested she'd been at it for a while, and the much larger pile of unsigned documents showed she wasn't about to be finished. Yet the young woman with the blond ponytail went about her work with determination and thoroughness, showing no signs of weariness.

She was drawn out of her concentration by a knock on the door.

"Come in."

A heavyset man in uniform opened the door and replied:

"Mr de Ronceval is here, Ma'am. He would like to have a word with you."

At the name, the young woman's face relaxed and she replied with a smile:

"Thank you, Wood. Show him in."

She stood up, while the knight of Favonius let a young man enter. He was tall and slender, in his mid-twenties, wearing a frock coat with epaulets. His brown hair with chestnut highlights was pulled into a long, thin ponytail, the tips of which twisted rebelliously. He stopped in the middle of the room and made a solemn bow.

"My regards to you, Grand Master", he said as the door closed behind him.

"Hello Phil, I've already told you that you don't need..."

She paused in her sentence when her gaze was caught by an unusual movement. An eye appeared from behind her interlocutor's leg, while a small hand clung firmly to his pants.

"You didn't come alone, who's that?" Jean asked, stepping around the imposing desk.

"Well, it's a bit complicated..."

The Acting Grand Master knelt down to the child's level and spoke to them in a friendly voice:

"Hello, what's your name?"

In reply, the little creature hid their face behind Phil like a frightened animal.

Not wanting to intimidate them further, the young woman stood up and questioned Phil with her eyes.

"Um... J- Jean, you see... this little girl is–"

The office door burst open before he could continue, and a high-pitched voice rushed into the room:

"Jean, it's true what unc' Kaeya said? He said that..."

The red-clad child who had just appeared paused to discover strangers in the office. Then her gaze fell on the person at same height.

"Hi, I'm Klee, wha's your name? Where you from?"

She enthusiastically approached the other child, who again hid her face in her chaperon's pants. However, a small voice could be heard through the fabric, albeit indistinctly.

"Wha' did you say?" Klee replied frankly.

The other little girl turned her head a little, exposing part of her face, and repeated:

"... Tig'itsa..."

Phil's face lit up instantly at these words. Seeing that Jean was about to reprimand Klee, he quickly stepped in:

"Hello Klee, do you remember me?"

The little girl looked at the adult and seemed like she was trying to remember who this tall person was. Then her face radiated with a big smile:

"Unc' Phil! You're back! Did you bring sumthin' for me?"

"Well, I... no, sorry... but I'd like you to meet Tigritsa. She came to Mondstadt with me."

"Ok! You wanna play with me, Tig'issa?"

The little girl didn't answer, directing her eyes at Phil.

"Would you like to go outside and play with Klee? She's a nice girl, she won't hurt you... if you don't feel well, you can always come back here."

Tigritsa hesitated for a moment, then nodded shyly. Klee exploded with joy:

"Sho cool! Let's go outside and uh... uh... look at the lake!

"Just look, right?" asked Jean inquisitively.

Klee was the daughter of the famous adventurer Alice, left in the care of the Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius. She had inherited her mother's peculiarities, and notably her great love of designing homemade bombs. Her experiments regularly struck terror into the woods and waters of Mondstadt, regularly forcing Jean to ground her.

"Don't stray too far, right Klee? Tigritsa doesn't know Mondstadt well and I wouldn't want her to get lost."


"All right. And when you walk, hold hands, got it?"


"Tigritsa, can you give Klee your hand? She'll take you out."

The little girl let go of the young man's pants to shyly extend her hand to the little girl in red, who grabbed it to lead her out of the room. There was something adorable about these two children holding hands, one taking the initiative more than the other.

Phil kept his gaze on the closing door for a moment, until Jean drew him out of his thoughts:

"Did you want to talk to me about something?" She said with a sudden air of seriousness.

"Yes, you... as you might expect, it's about Tigritsa."

"Does it have anything to do with her carrying a Vision?"

Jean was referring to the strange trinket set with an imposing cut crystal that she had seen hanging from the child's waist. These objects, said to be gifts from the gods, would mysteriously find their way into the hands of select individuals, granting them the wielding of elemental powers. These individuals, known as allogenes, were rare and the object of much covetousness. Jean, Phil and even Klee fell into this category.

"Yes, it's hard not to notice it... I was a little reluctant to bring the subject up in front of her, but fortunately Klee arrived at the right moment."

Phil's features hardened as he finished his sentence.

"All right, I'm listening", Jean replied, returning to her desk and pulling up a chair.

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