Procella Irbis - Act I (Part 3)

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 Phil, alongside Jean and Lisa, hurried down the streets of Mondstadt towards the city gates, where Klee and Tigritsa had been spotted. The knight of Favonius who had alerted them was running alongside them, explaining the situation:

"The guards posted at the main gate saw Klee and the little girl accompanying her pass by. As usual, they watched from a distance, just in case... Klee threw one of her bombs into the lake, but immediately afterwards a very large animal appeared out of nowhere and started growling at her. She responded by throwing bombs at it, but the beast didn't flinch! And it fought back too. The guards are trying to contain the monster right now."

They reached the city gate and caught a glimpse of the scene. A feline, about 1.50 m tall at the shoulders, was hissing violently at a visibly frightened Klee. But that didn't stop her from throwing bombs to keep the creature at bay.

"Klee!" blurted Jean, in a tone of voice mixed with reproach and fear.

Phil looked around for his protégé, whom he discovered in a corner, curled up with her hands over her ears.


The little girl, as if she'd heard her name, opened her eyes again and, seeing her protector, rushed in his direction to take refuge under his legs.

To everyone's surprise, the feline calmed down. He looked in Tigritsa's direction and then literally vanished.

There was a momentary pause, then Jean stepped quickly towards a tearful Klee:

"Klee, what happened? What have you done now?"

Surprised, the little girl replied defensively.

"It's not my fault", she said sulkily.

"Wait, Jean!"

Phil stepped in:

"Klee, I'm sure you didn't mean any harm. Can you tell me what happened, please?"

The little girl in red sniffed, then told her side of the story:

"I... I was showing Tig'issa how to-to-to... to catch fish with bombs, and then... *snif* and then... Tig'issa she crouched... *snif* with her hands... like this (she imitated Tigritsa's position) and... *snif* and the big beast, it came and it growled and– and..."

"And you wanted to protect Tigritsa from the beast?"

Klee nodded with another sniff.

Phil then bent down to his protégé, who had her face buried in his trouser leg:

"Tigritsa, are you hurt anywhere?"

The little girl shook her head without lifting it from the fabric.

"Is something wrong?"

The child turned her head:


"What's scary? The animal?"

She shook her head again.

"Boom boom... scary..."

At these words, a small laugh rang out:

"I think I've got it", said Lisa, a little smile on her lips.

All eyes turned to her:

"The beast is undeniably made of Anemo energy... like the little girl's Vision."

"But then..." began Jean.

"... it was her who summoned this creature, probably unconsciously, because of the noise of the bombs."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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