Tongue tied

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Written  by sarush on ao3
Lumine was sure her day couldn't get any worse.

The sound of her heels clicking hurriedly against the marble floor of the company's reception hall drowned under the sound of the employee's conversation as she rushed to the elevator, golden eyes glancing down at her wrist-watch to check the time for what felt like the hundredth time during the past ten minutes.

She was late- and if this wasn't bad enough as it was, fate seemed to have decided to be extra cruel to her that day for the moment her hand shot out to keep the elevator doors from closing and she heaved a sigh of relief, her smile dimmed on her lips the second her gaze lifted and fell on a familiar, indigo-haired male that was watching her with an arched brow and a rather unimpressed expression.

Out of all people- it just had to be him.

"Are you going to get in or do you want both of us to fucking get late?"

Lumine clenched her jaw as she made her way inside the otherwise empty elevator, not in the mood to argue with him when her day was already horrible enough even without his irritating remarks.

"Good morning to you too." Lumine muttered under her breath as she lifted her hands to tie her golden locks up, the male next to her snickering as he shot her a sideway glance, lips curled upward into the ghost of a smirk.

"That won't save you either- you look like a wreck."

"Don't you have anyone else to annoy first thing in the morning, Scaramouche?" Lumine scowled as she kept her gaze fixed on her reflection on the elevator doors as she struggled to fasten her tie and if she would have looked at him, she would have noticed the way his gaze fell to her exposed neck as she did so before he caught himself, brows furrowing in annoyance before he scoffed.

"Your entrance made it hard to ignore you." He said with a roll of his eyes. "I'm surprised I'm not deaf after you ran through the entrance hall in these damn heels."

"Oh really?" Lumine asked in feigned surprise, golden eyes wide as she turned to look at him. "Too bad, I'll make sure to stomp extra loud the next time then."

Scaramouche shot her a glare but before he could say anything the chime of the elevator having reached their floor beat him to it and the second the doors opened, Lumine was already rushing out and towards her desk, leaving Scaramouche to watch her retreating form with a scoff before he moved to follow her.

It was only his luck that their desks were opposite of one another, and although anyone would have considered themself blessed by the heavens to be in his place and get to work so close to Lumine, he couldn't help but find it annoying.

She was the perfect employee, hard-working, intelligent, and although Scaramouche would never say it out loud- rather pretty.

But more importantly, she was his rival, and though he would never deny that she wasn't good at her job- Scaramouche lived to prove her that he was the better of them.

So with a small scoff to himself, he went to work.

Lumine impatiently tapped her finger against the printer, Golden eyes attentively scanning the reception hall of their department for any sign of her indigo-haired devil of a co-worker.

If she remembered correctly his meeting shouldn't be over for another fifteen minutes, and if she wanted to get the client to herself without him meddling with her business again, she needed to get this report back to Yae before he would return.

The beeping from the printer alerted her that her report was done, golden eyes brightening and  lips lifting into a triumphant smile as she moved to take it- but of course, her victory didn't last for too long, for the moment she was turned around to head for Yae's office she suddenly found herself running straight into a firm chest.

"Going somewhere?"

Lumine stiffened the second the familiar voice sounded, the mirth that laced it making her eyes widen in alarm but before she was able to move he had already snatched the report from her hands.


Scaramouche skillfully moved out of her reach as she rather pathetically attempted to get it back, her irritated growl going ignored as he skimmed the reports contents and once he was done, he arched a brow, indigo eyes falling down on Lumine whose nails were digging painfully into his arm.

"Sneaky, aren't we Viatrix?" Scaramouche snickered, lips curling upwards in amusement at her frown. "I didn't know you had that in you."

Lumine scoffed as she tightened her hold on his arm in warning, golden eyes burning as she thinned her glossy lips.

"Give it back, Scara."

Scaramouche merely arched a brow at her warning, eyes flashing in a way that made her chest flutter as he moved his hand further out of reach.

She only used his nickname when she was pissed, but Scaramouche couldn't deny that he liked the way it sounded on her lips whenever she did.

"I'd much rather keep it." The dark-haired male returned with a devious smirk and when he saw her wide eyes,he snickered. "Thank you for the work, Viatrix."

Lumine watched as he turned around and moved to leave for Baal's office with wide eyes, lips parted in disbelief as her fists clenched by her side and although he had always managed to piss her off, this time, Lumine felt something in her snap.

Like hell she'd let this asshole steal her client.

Without a second thought she moved to follow, hand shooting out to grab the back of his purple shirt and the second he turned his head to look at her, Lumine reached out to grab his tie and harshly yank him down to slam her lips against his.

The second she kissed him she felt him stiffen, the noise of surprise he made drowning under the sound of her heart roaring in her chest and using the moment of surprise, Lumine reached out to snatch her report back before breaking the kiss to shoot him a triumphant smile.

Scaramouche stared at her in a mixture of shock and disbelief, needing a few moments to realize that she had just kissed him and the second he did, his jaw slackened.

What the hell?

Lumine shot him a grin as she released his tie, golden eyes sparkling as she swiftly moved out of his reach and when indigo locked with triumphant gold, she felt her heart skip a beat at the bewilderment that painted his expression.

"Better luck next time, Scara!" The sweet chime of her voice sounded as she waved the report as a parting gesture, knowing that if she wouldn't take her leave now she wouldn't reach the office today at all because her co-worker would make sure to pay her back for that,and as Scaramouche watched her leave, he scowled, ignoring the way his pulse quickened at the realization of what had just happened.

He never expected her to he this bold, and when he moved back to his desk, he promised himself to pay her back for her little stunt.

The sweet taste of strawberries would linger on his lips for the following hours to come and soon became his favorite.

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