Chapter 2

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Its been 2 months sonce Maxi last heard from Eireann. Message after message and no reply.

Coming out of the water after a rescue, Maxi made his way to the Rhino buggie. He sat down next to Deano and pulled out his phone.

Mr Maxwell:
Where are you?
Are you ok?

No reply

He sent those texts a month and a half ago. She hasn't been online for two months.

"Good?" Deano asked the boy. "Eireann hasnt been online for two months... It's not like her..." The boy fiddled with his thumbs.

"Im sure shes fine. Don't stress mate." He gave Maxi a reassuring pat on the back. Maxi gave a discouraged nodd.

Eireann limped down the sidewalk and onto the beach. Her bare feet touched the sand. She wore a long sleave T and leggings. She stared at the water for a moment before deciding.

This is where she was going to die

As she approached the water, her long black hair whipped around, stinging her face but she didn't care.

One step. Her feet touch the water. The hustle and bustle from the people around her tuned out of her mind.

Six steps. Shes almost knee deep into the water. Her mind feeling at ease but her heart beeting a hundred miles an hour.

Ten steps, shes up to her chin but she can still touch the ground. Waves tumble over her as she lets herself be swepped further out to sea.

Eventually, everything went dark

Just as Maxi and Deano were driving off, Jethro drove past them speadily in the second Rhino.

"Theres one in Backpackers. Jethros on it with the defib! Go as backup!" Came Singlets' voice on the Walkie.

The pair turned around and parked next to Jethros car, who was already on his board in the water.

Jethro Paddled out into the back of Backpackers rip. What he saw, coming over the last wave, made his blood run cold.

A girls body floated lifeless in the rip. His eyes filled with fearful tears.

He hoisted the girls lifeless body onto his board as best he could and began to paddle back to shore.

Maxi watched as his friend paddled back to shore. The body that lay on his board was lifeless.

Deano ran in the water to help Jethro and Maxi stayed back with the defib. Adrenaline pumping through the trios bodies.

Once the body landed on shore, Maxi yelled out.

"Eireann! Eireann no!!" Singlets and Hoppo, who had just arrived on scene, pulled the distraught boy back.

Hoppo let go and grabbed the defib, running to the pair fresh out the water, Jethro doing Chest compressions.

The world was moving in slow motion for Maxi, who was swatting cameras out his face. He didn't mind the film crew, but he was too focused on trying to break free and get to his friend to care who he hit.

"One two three four-" Jethro counted  as he pumped the girls chest up and down quickly.

All hands left the girls body as the defib analyzed her heart rate.

"Non shockable rythm. Please continue chest compressions." the machine called out.

"Come on! Stay with me!" Jethro yelled out in tears. This was his first patient and he did NOT want them to die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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