Chapter Two: Hurt

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The steam rolled out of the shower in waves. The lady had decided she was setting the temperature for the captured man. It felt hot, too hot. Luffy's eyes widened as he felt the heat of the shower. He was going to burn. "It's too hot." He whispered, avoiding eye contact with the lady.

The raven-haired woman paused, "Is it?" She asked, tilting her head to the side, eyebrows furrowed. "I'm sorry." She apologized, glancing at the water before lowering the temperature.

Luffy gulped, relieved she didn't hurt him. After the first incident, he's been afraid to raise or voice his opinion, even though he should be used to being hit by now with his backstory.

His father badly abused him growing up after his mom left. Not just degrading words and yelling. He would beat him. He found that in his friend, Nami, as well. He hated admitting it to himself but felt slightly safer being here. He was barely hit, and although he was starved, drugged, and sexually assaulted, he didn't mind too much; the lady had otherwise been nice to him. Don't let that get to your head, Luffy. He thought, a frown on his lips. I have true, good friends waiting for me at home. I have to get out.

"Is the temperature right now?" The lady asked, gesturing towards the water with a concerned look.

Luffy hesitantly stepped towards it before sticking a hand into the water, "Yeah." He responded, voice low.

The lady clapped, a happy smile on her face, "Good! Now get undressed and hop in." She said, her feet not moving an inch from where they were planted.

"Please leave." He said, his voice unwavering for what seemed to be the first time since he got here. He wasn't going to strip in front of this lady.

"No." The lady responded, her smile lowering into a straight face.

"Leave," Luffy demanded, his eyes staring at her, turning his body towards her so she couldn't attack him from behind.

Those beautiful red eyes of hers stared back at him. He noticed the lady's pupils racing all over his body. A disturbing glint in her eyes. "Strip." She responded, her voice sounding like a predator to prey. "Now."

Luffy frowned, "At least let me get undressed without you watching me." He almost pleaded, knowing she wouldn't simply let him shower alone.

The lady sighed in annoyance. "Fine."

Luffy quickly got to work on his clothes, he was scared and embarrassed. The lady was growing impatient, and he knew that he wanted to do this himself, he had to do this himself. The four walls around him slowly melted into a black void as he began to panic. He knew he needed to get some form of dominance, some form of control in this situation, but the fear was constantly pushing down his bravery and courage as each tap of her shoe echoed in the black void that his mind had formed around them almost as if she was stomping down his courage, making him seem like a mere insect used for her twisted desires. It left no choice. I have to, I need to feel like I have some level of control, please, please be a little more patient.

The lady tapped her foot, slowly removing her trenchcoat.

Luffy's breathing halted, he had never seen her without the trenchcoat. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Quickly he removed his shirt, his hands shaking violently with fear.

He didn't want this.

He didn't want this.

Luffy's breaths came out in short gasps, he felt like the walls were caving in on him, and he was scared. So incredibly scared. He squeezed his eyes shut for a second, imagining he was somewhere else, somewhere calm and peaceful with Zoro and Sanji.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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