Chapter Four

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"It's about damn time you get home. God why do women take so long shopping?" Josh complained from his room.

"I'm guessing that's Mr. Sexy you're living with huh." she began to move towards the sound.

"Please don't." I held my hand in front of her. I set my bags down onto the sofa and walk to the kitchen and began cooking spaghetti knowing that it always dragged the idiot I live with out his room.

"Mmmm~." Josh poked his head out his bedroom door. He began to walk towards the kitchen until something or shall I say someone caught his attention. "Well hello sexy. How about you and I go to the movies and go out for dinner then jump in the bed or we can just skip to the bed right now." he winked at Carrie.


"Me likey!" Carrie purred. They walked around each other, literally eye-raping themselves. I couldn't take anymore of it, I was going to lose my appetite.

"Come on guys the foods ready, so stop eye-f_*ing each other already please." i rolled my eyes while setting up the table.

"So does she know?" Josh pointed his thumb towards Carrie while she came towards us.

"I sure do." She smacked his butt making him jump and grinned.

"That's nasty. Make your own damn food ya freak." I said while backing away from her butt touching hands.

"Aw come on, you know you love me. Come give me a hug."

"Eww no. Stop it." Carrie tried to chase me around the kitchen while Mr. Arse himself just ate and watch.

After we cleared the table and dishes, we sat in the living room to begin the training.

"Alright Alice, I want you to try and seduce me." Josh said, leaning into the chair he sat in.

Um...okay...I got this! I can do it. Right?

I froze in my seat figuring out how to even start. I put my face in my hands stressing on how to do this correctly. I took a few deep breaths, trying not to stress myself over the stupid request.

Improvise dummy! Think of something that will make it easier to seduce him!

I stood up from my seat and walked my way over to him, letting my eyes search him body up and down until they settled on his lips. I traced my fingers up his legs, up his chest, toward his neck. I stood right behind him and blew in his ear softly, making his breath hitch up. And then I froze. I didn't know what else to do but stand there. I closed my eyes and sighed in frustration.

"Fudge." I said to myself in embarrassment.

Carrie had sat there stunned by my work but busted out laughing at my "cursed" word holding in her stomach and tried to stop when she saw my face until she looked at Josh and started laughing again. I looked at him and tried not to laugh too. His face was slowly starting to turn red from humiliation and frustration.

"Dammit Alice I said seduce not tease. I need to use the bathroom, I'll be back."

No he won't.

"Well I'll be damned Alice. I didn't know you could do that."

"Neither did I. I had to pretend that he was gay in order for it to work."

Carrie then rolled on the floor, clutching her stomach, and was smacking the floor. She stayed like that for another good ten minutes or so.

"What are ladies laughing so loud for?"

"Nothing." we both giggled together.

"Alice you did good but you also have to learn how to do it with your entire body. Meaning using the eyes, the way you speak, and most importantly (and all time fairway favorite) your body language because your teasing comes after all that." he said walking back from the bathroom.

I nodded my head while taking in what he told me.

" You know Alice, I can show you how to do it." Carrie said, catching my attention. "Because let's face it, you need learn how to do it with a woman's touch."

She was right. I can't do it with just learn from a guy, I might look weird.

"Alright Carrie, where do we start?" she grabbed my shoulders, making me face her with a evil grin.

I'm in for a big one. CUE MONTAGE MUSIC! Kidding.

Out of no where I heard the song "Eye of the Tiger" playing behind me. We both looked at Josh jamming to the beat until he looked at us.


"Um no, turn that crap off. This is not the movies." I glared at him. Carrie just stood there laughing.

"Ugh fine. Meanie."

______Five hours later____

After so long and many many falls and fails, I think I got.

"Okay Alice let's try again. Remember everything that you learned. Josh is playing as Mr. Maxwell and is across the room. Got it?"

Yeah I got this, just relax and let your animal instincts go.

Josh looked at me across the room with papers in front of him and fake glasses hanging from his mouth to give a sexy affect. The point of this was to get him flustered and make him needy.

I pictured him as Mr. Maxwell as I walked slowly towards him, drinking in his manly body. He shifted his body, which was the reaction I wanted. I started to play with a strand of hair while I undress him with my eyes as a clear sign that I wanted him on my body. When I reached him, I sat on the table and lightly pushed down his papers.

I dragged my finger down his chest toward his leg while I licked my lips. I pulled his tie, bringing him close to me as possible. I brought my face close and made it seem like I was about to kiss him.

I started to unbutton his shirt came close to his neck and blew soft air making him shiver. That's when I knew that I had to pull back, get up, and walk away.


"Aww fuck. I'll be back again." Josh got up uncomfortably and walked to tye bathroom again.

"Good job Alice. I knew you can do it." she said with a wink. "I think you'll do good tomorrow."

I hope so...

"By the way, how did you learn how to tease anyway?" Josh said as poked out the bathroom catching our attention.

Carrie and I looked at each other and laughed.

"What? Tell me."

This made us laugh harder. "You know what, forget I even asked. You guys suck."

My only comeback line was "Oh yeah? Well we may suck but you swallow babes."

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