Chapter Ten

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I think everyone would understand my situation when I say I don't like awkward silence, especially in a car. I don't even know what to do or what to say. I bet I look pretty stupid right now too.

"You look nice tonight Alice. You dress is nice too." David said with his eyes looking forward on the road.

Nice? That's it?

"Thanks, I guess, you too sir." Why did I say that out loud?! I don't even like him. All of a sudden I felt a hand on my thigh. And I wasn't liking it one bit.

"So you never answered my question Ms. Alice." The hell is he talking about?

"And what might that question be sir?" I tried to move his hand off but his hand wouldn't budge.

"Who are you? I know you from somewhere. Was it the club? Or maybe a one night stand?" He smirks to himself after seeing my annoyed face.

"Well sir, I don't know, I'm not one of the sluts you party with. Besides I think I would remember the people I've met I the past. And would you please keep your hands on the wheel?" I became irritated at the fact that he though I was one of his one night stands as my hand formed into a fist. I just have to wait to get him back.

"Well it seems that I hit a nerve there. Haha don't worry I will get my answer Alice and please don't try anything at my parents house." He said getting a little too close to my ear.

Oh he is soooo getting drugged...the whole bottle too....oh I can't wait to see him suffer.

As much as I really wanted to punch his nuts, I'd be putting our lives in danger. Although hurting him a little didn't sound bad though.

As David and I stepped into the house, we were greeted by so many people I've known from when I started working for the company, being separated as a result. The funny thing is, I knew everything everyone did and do. (Insert winking face) It was the only thing that kept myself entertained since I didn't do a lot of things back then.

Hmm think are you going to drug the perverted ass.

"Alice! It's so good to see you again. How is everything at the office going?" Andrew said putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Sir we just saw each other last week." I said as I raised an eyebrow. He chuckled anyway. I could only sigh. "Everything is going well."

He pulled me in a corner with a random drink in his hand. Where did he get that from? When we got in a quiet area, his face was serious. Like he knew what I was planning on doing tonight. "How's my son treating you? He hasn't done anything wrong has he?" All I could think of was what happened in David's office. I felt my body burn in embarrassment and desire.

What is wrong with me? I shouldn't be wanting that?

"Nothing of the slightest sir. He is doing fine." I looked away from his gaze. He chuckled again, bringing us back to the party.

"Alice! How are you my dear? My husband didn't do anything bad did he?" Andrew's wife said behind.

"Oh no ma'am, he was just checking up on the office and his son." I said giving his wife a warm hug.

"Hmm speaking of the big child, where is he? He didn't even come talked to me." She said pouting her lips. "I'm not sure ma'am. He disappeared as soon as we got into the house." I looked around the room for David, only to see him in the corner flirting with blonde around my age. I felt irritation when I looked at the two of them. Andrew and his wife notice me staring and looked towards the same directions my eyes went. "Oh there he is!" She said loud enough to catch his attention.

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