Beauty is pain

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Keith x insecure!reader

Rain hammered down on me and Keith, drenching us as we laughed an ran into our shared dorm. We had gotten lost trying to find the common bathroom of the college campus and after being stuck in the rain for a few minutes we decided it was best to check out where everyone else lived rather than continue looking for the room numbers.

Keith and I had been friends since, well so far back I barely remember when we met. The rain had blurred my thin frames, so I took them off to wipe them down. I looked at the mullet head next to me, he was staring at me. Well mostly at my eyes. "Hey, Mullet, you're staring" I chuckled, breaking him from his trance. "Yeah, sorry, I just realised how" his voice was airy and light, unexpected from a very hard person like himself "beautiful, your eyes are, such a vibrant shade of (E/C)" he mumbled grabbing a towel and ruffling it in his hair.

I looked in the mirror at myself with my glasses still off, "Oh, they aren't that special" my face flushed with embarrassment at having my glasses off, I knew Keith saw right through me when he said that. I put them on. He smiled, his teeth were very straight but even and white. My breath caught in my throat at how handsome he actually was.

"Well im going to go shower, see ya!" he ran from the awkward atmosphere he had created, but you could see his ears were tinted red, or so I told myself.


I looked at myself with the camera of my phone thinking "If i take my glasses off do you think he will like me?". As soon as I flopped onto the bed i began scrolling through contact lenses I could buy. This could be my ticket to getting a date. "Maybe I should get contacts.."
Keith was the cutest boy ever. His long black eyelashes, perfect eyebrows and bright violet eyes. His skin was pale and his hair wavy black waves. His smile would send the butterflies in my stomach fluttering around in all directions, making it seem impossible for me not to fall in love with him.


"Package for Y/N L/N?"

"That would be me!" I squealed excitedly, grabbing the box out of his hands and shutting the door. Today was the perfect day to get my contacts, we were going to hang out with a few of my friends.

Rushing to the bathroom I ripped off my frames and put in the contacts. The pain in my eyes made me groan a bit before settling in comfortably, looking at the results, I didn't like how much my pupils looked different. My eyes began to water almost immediately and my eyes itched. Quickly, I took the eyedrops given in the box, and dropped two droplets into my eyes. The watering ceased in a few minutes, but the contacts were irritating. Beauty is pain.

I let my hair down, although it annoyed me and put on makeup to hide any 'imperfections' that could be spotted and walked out the door. (to those of you who do wear makeup, im not saying its bad, but right now shes doing it because she's insecure)

When we made it there, I tried my best to hide my uncomfort. I took a seat next to Keith who was laughing about something one of his friends said. "Hi guys!" I grinned, waving at my friends who greeted me back enthusiastically. "What's for lunch?" I asked turning to Lance, who had arranged the hangout. "Coming in a bit, Y/N where are your glasses?" he leaned in, interested.
"I got contacts" I beamed.

The outfit I wore was quite, skin-revealling, which wasn't my thing. The skirt was short and flared. It was a dark green with gold accents along the hem and sleeves. Its top was also a little short, revealing my midriff. The shoes I wore were black high heels, I had no idea how girls made them look like they were comfortable and not a literal death trap, though they certainly were. I didn't like how I looked, it was too much for me, but I wanted to impress Keith. Beauty is pain.

A man about my age drifted his fingers across my sligtly bare back. I shivered when I heard him whisper to his friends "What a steal" before they erupted into laughter. Thank God no one noticed.


"Y/N?" Keith's voice broke my thoughts, a warm smile spread across his face, though it was laced with concern, "you're eyes, they're-" Yes! Contacts worked, he thinks my eyes are pre- "watering" oh.

I cursed under my breath before running away from the table, and into the disabled toilets, (because the school removed mirrors from the woman's toilets). I heard him call my name.

Gently, I took the contacts out, my vision becoming slightly blurred, I reached into the beige bag that was slung over my shoulder and pulled out my frames. "Pull it together Y/N, beauty is pain" I spoke to myself, hugging my bare arms, tracing where that man had touched me, "No one likes the real you, you're better this way"

"Y/N?" Keith called. I looked up to meet his worried gaze. I smiled and waved at him, he returned the gesture with a small grin. "Are you okay? You seemed... Distracted" he questioned, "And I heard the things you said about yourself" My breath hitched.
"What things?" I asked, trying to sound oblivious, avoiding any eye contact.

He put a hand on my shoulder, I flinched. "I'm sorry," he murmured looking at my face, which was now burning in embarrassment, shame, embarrassment, and self hatred."It's nothing, don't worry about it Keith."
Keith frowned, "You know you seemed really uncomfortable today, are you sure your doing well?" he took my hands into his own, soft skin pressed against mine "you can tell me anything"

"Do I look better without my glasses?" I sighed, as he lifted my chin upwards so I could face him. "You look amazing either way, with or without, and since the contacts are causing you harm" he opened my fist that held my glasses and rested them on the bridge of my nose, "I say you look better with them"

"Thank you" I blushed, pulling a stray strand of hair back.
"You are beautiful just the way you are," he cupped my face "And if anyone thinks anything else, they're not worth your effort"

Slowly, I closed my eyes as he leaned in closer. "You are worth every effort", I whispered, closing the gap between us. I felt his lips move against mine, the touch energizing and electrifying. I kissed back with the same fervour as he pulled me towards him. My legs wrapped around him as he stood up slowly, supporting me with one arm, holding me close to him with the other hand.
"Beauty isn't pain"

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