maid as punishment

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Once the brothers and Kayla had gotten home Reiji had Kayla follow him to his room and pulled out an outfit making Kayla look in shock

Kayla's pov

"Do I...have to wear this" I said looking at reiji "you will serve me in that dress as punishment and you can't push us away if we ask for blood" reiji said

I sighed I didn't mind having my blood sucked but the maid outfit is a little much "ok" I said and went to go get changed into the maid dress

I looked into the mirror "those vampire brothers are obviously attracted to you" kairi said appearing transparent as usual along with Azura and Angela

"I think you should have said no" kairi said "I'm usually a pushover myself you don't need to do this" Azura said "guys if she doesn't do it she'll get a worse punishment" Angela said

"Thanks for your concern guys but I'll be fine" I said and summoned Azul "you called for me" Azul said "could you please make sure my room stays closed please" I said as Azul nodded

I head back to Reiji's room and open the door he looked up from what he was doing and stared at me "I'm done changing" I said

Reiji's pov

Seeing her in that maid dress made me almost lose my composure but I managed to keep myself from pouncing on her

"What would you like me to do first Reiji" Kayla said "first off I want you to appoint me as master Reiji" I said she leaned in close to my face surprising me

"What would you like me to do first master Reiji" Kayla said with a bold tone it was hard enough that her blood attracted me now I have to deal with this

"Tease me again and your punishment will worsen" I said "ok" Kayla said and began to clean the room I sit in my chair and glance at her every so often

She wasn't like the other brides who didn't seem to care at all she was different her golden eyes portrayed sympathy for me and my brothers

What irritates me is that me and my brothers all seem to like her so we have to fight for her I felt my eyes close nodding off to sleep

30 minutes later...

I woke up my glasses had been set aside and a blanket was over me I sat up and saw that everything was clean 'she cleaned my whole room in that short amount of time' I thought to myself

"Oh good your awake" I heard and saw Kayla who was carrying a tea tray she set it down on the table I grabbed my glasses and put them on

"How long was I asleep?" I asked "only 30 minutes you were really tired so I thought I'd make you some earl Grey tea" Kayla said

"Is there nothing you can't do" I said with a smirk "pottery" she said this made me slightly smile in amusement who knew a mortal like her could be so amusing and attractive

"You said you made earl Grey tea" I said she poured some into a tea cup handing it to me from the saucer "you have excellent manners" I said

"Well I was raised to be a respectful person" Kayla said with a smile I sip the tea and my eyes widen it's not that bitter it's got a hint of....

"What is that taste I can't describe it" I said "oh I accidentally cut my finger earlier my blood must have ended up in the tea pot" Kayla said

I put the saucer and teacup on the table and stood up walking towards Kayla lifting her finger which had the cut on it "you still bleeding" I said

"Oh I guess I didn't notice I'll wrap it in a bandage" she said trying to pull her hand from my grasp 'I don't think so' I thought and lick the blood off her finger with my tongue

3rd person pov

Laito had caught a whiff of Kayla's blood and saw her in Reiji's room laito peered into the room since the door was slightly open

He saw reiji who was licking the blood off of Kayla's finger while she was wearing a maid dress "hm naughty reiji" laito said interrupting

"Laito have you forgotten to knock" reiji said glaring at laito "I will take Kayla chan now her punishment is over right" laito said dragging Kayla away

Laito pulled Kayla to the piano room "that's no good Kayla chan you said you would help me study" laito said he didn't want to study he just wanted to taste her blood

"Is that an excuse just so you can taste my blood" Kayla said "yes" laito said "ok but please don't drink too much I still feel a bit light headed when ayato drank my blood" Kayla said "gladly" laito said

Laito looked at the bite scar and just decided to point it out later he bit into the bite mark on her neck and drank her blood

Kayla felt weak in the knees and laito held her up feeling her body go limp "your blood tastes delicious Kayla the way" laito said and leaned in closer to whisper in her ear

"You look cute in that dress" laito said as Kayla passed out unconscious laito took Kayla to her bedroom and set her down letting her sleep

Shu made his way into her room and layed down with her Even when she was asleep it looked cute she snuggled into his chest making shu smirk

He wasn't going to let his brothers have her of course he had noticed the dark bite mark on her neck but chose not to mention it

He pulled her into his chest shu was determined in winning this game of love  and he would make her belong to him and earn her love and care

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