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" What would an uppermoon be doing here?" Zenitsu's voice was quiet as he stood, with Nezuko's box on his back.

Tanjiro couldn't stop crying, "I'm so frustrated. As soon as I master one thing, there id yet another wall I have to climb. Do you... do you think I'll ever be like Renguko?"

"Stop whining already!" Inosuke's voice rang out harshly, "He said he believed in you, so just think about how you're going to measure up to that! All living things go back to earth when they die! Crying and sniveling won't bring them back!"

"But you're crying youself." Zenitsu told him, "Tears are flooding out of that headpiece."

"Shut up!", Inosuke ran off, swinging his arms blindly in the air. But even through her haze of tears, Sora understood the truthfulness of his statement. She knelt next to Tanjiro, wrapping her arms around the red-haired boy. He sank into her embrace, sobbing furiously.

It was a while before the four of them were found and taken back to Butterfly Mansion.


A knock on the door interrupted Sora's thoughts. She glanced up as it opened.


"Hi. How are you doing?"

"I'm alright." Sora responded but at Kanao's look she corrected herself, "Well I'll be alright. I just... need a bit more time to... you know..." Kanao didn't say anything, just sat down next to her. After a while, some commotion outside drew their attention. "What's with the noise pollution?", Sora compained, following Kanao outside. 

"Oh it's that handsome guy from the Hashira meeting. What's he doing with the girls?!", Sora glanced at Kanao. Will she do something? Kanao herself seemed to be in an argument with herself, but before Sora realised she had moved forward and grabbed the Aoi's hand. "Kanao...", Aoi spoke, clearly surprised. Who would blame her. "Don't pull me so plainly,", the man said looking at Kanao over his shoulder, "Well say something!". Sora watched in growing amusement as the other two triplets swarmed him, until a familiar voice interrupted them. "What are you doing to the girls? Let them go!".

Silence reigned as everyone turned to look at Tanjiro. Is that what it looks like to you?

"Its a kidnapping!", one of the triplets wailed, "Please save us." Tanjiro ran forward, jumping as he neared the guy. Ooh, headbutting time!

And landed on his face on the ground. Surprised,(and more alert), Sora looked up to where the white haired guy was. "You fool, I am the great Tengen Uzui, a former ninja." He's a.... ninja? 

After the bickering continued for a while, the man revealed he was he was a Hashira. Sora had to laugh. For a Hashira, he's got a rather funny temper. Then Tanjiro suggested to him, "We'll go with you in their stead."


Zenitsu and Inosuke appeared next to Tanjiro in an instant. Flashy entrance. Sora walked over to them too. The Hashira's eyes zeroed down on her, "You're the sun walking demon." 

"My name is Sora."

Inosuke cut in, already impatient to set out, "We're ready to set out any time."

Zenitsu pointed up at Uzui, "Let go of Aoi! I don't care that you're a muscle man, I'm not budging!" Sora nudged him, "You're literally shaking and look ready to flee in a second."

"I'm trying to look brave."

"You're not succeeding."

The Hashira glanced over them, clearly unimpressed. "Alright, then. I'll have you come with me." Huh, that was easy.  

"where are we going old man.", Inosuke asked him. "The most flamboyant place in Japan filled with lust and greed." Came the answer. Did he just overlook the fact that Inosuke called him an old man?  "Alright, listen up!", he started, "I am a god! You all are just trash..." Sora watched in disbelief as the Hashira went on about them being his slave, tuning out most of what he was saying. He's full of himself, jeez. 

"Hey," She interrupted them as Inosuke started to try hit him, "Can we please go now?" "She's right.", the hashira turned around, "We don't have all day!" Of course I'm right. Gosh he's weird.


"They're gonna dress up as women?!!"

Sora was in tears in a second when she heard this declaration from Uzui Tengen. She could understand why, disguising as women would make their search easier. But the mere thought of seeing the boys like that made her stomach hurt.

Zenitsu was the most affected by this. He was distrustful enough of the sound Hashira when he told them to search for his three wives (Sora was not too surprised here) but he was positively repulsed by the clothes and makeup he was forced to wear. Sora had never seen a more entertaining sight.

Anyhow, Sora was not surprised to see how *cough* ugly *cough* the boys turned out to be. She knew that atleast Inosuke would have looked better without the makeup, but who was going to listen to her anyway.

"We're only here to observe.", Tengen went on, "Noone gets off the rickshaw." Let's see who gets off first.

Soon enough everyone was off, and after suffering a bit, the sound Hashira was able to drag everyone together for approximately 2 seconds before they all ran off again.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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