The chaos

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TxT, also know as tomorrow by together, a well known 5 membered K-pop group, is well known for their mischief and shenanigans in the whole industry, apart from their different genre of music and the best dancing skills.

This time, they were planning a big thing. Their maknae, Huening Kai just heard a rumor that an ancient book at some book store is said to be magical and take you to different realms. Him, wanting to explore it, asks his favorite hyung, Boemgyu to join him but Gyu straight up refuses saying its nonsense and HyuKa should grow up now.

"You aren't 5 anymore Kai. Stop making stories and go to sleep"

Hence, Kai goes to his room but he has different plans. Later at night, he leaves the dorm late at night when everyone is asleep and sneaks in the said library to find the book. After looking through some shelves, he finally finds it. But as soon as he opens it, a very strong flash of light occurs around it which makes him close his eyes but as soon as he opens it, he finds himself in a different universe, and the scenario going on shocked him.

On the other hand, his Hyungs find him missing and try to find him. They look at the dorm and other places where Kai could be but they don't find a single trace of him. They try to call him on his phone but no one picks up the call. That's when Boemgyu remembers about the book Kai talked about. He tells others about it.

They rush to the librabry and start looking for their mischievous maknae. They look around only to stumble at a book and HyuKa's phone. That's when even they open the book and they too land in the realm of superheroes, the Avengers. They somehow find Kai who told them about his experience in this universe.

"Hyung, this is a universe in which our favorite superheroes are not just in movies or comics, they are real. I met Thor when he askede if I say Loki but I was so dumbfounded and before I could say anything, he left"

His hyungs were shocked but after the travel from one universe to the other, they knew he wasn't lying. Anyways, they needed a way to go back home. And it was only one way, the book.

They go on a quest to find the book everywhere but then realized it wasn't there. Now they needed to anyhow go to the same bookstore, if still in this universe existed. But they have to travel to South Korea and they don't know where they are.

Between this all, suddenly a lot of alien type of creatures start to come and attack the people around them. Soon avengers arive and the war starts.

Part 2:

TxT tries to hide and save themselves from the chaos. That's when the eldest, Yeonjun sees a little boy and girl stuck in a car. He runs to save them and gets succeeded in it. He takes them to a safe place and the thinks of helping the other common people too. Soon other members join him and they start taking the people to a safe area that would give them temporary shelter.

Soobin, their leader sees a girl stuck under a broken concrete rock and goes to help her but isn't able to lift the rock when suddenly the rock gets thrown. He looks up to see Iron Man helping him. He thanked him and goes further to save the other civilians.

After sometime, the war is over. Loki and his army is defeated. The Avengers are sitting all tired and badly injured. Taehyun brings some water for all of them and does some first aids to minimize the loss. They help them go to the hospital for further treatments.

At the hospital, the Avengers thank them for their help in saving the people and hence helping them win the war without any harm to civilians.

"My mom once told me that, real kings not only defeat the enemy but also save his kingdom and the people in it." said Thor.

Then with the avengers, TxT was also honoured and a big statue of them was made in the middle of the city and it had 'The real saviours' written on it. They were called 'The True Kings' from then on and all avengers respected them.

They stayed in the marvel universe till all the Avengers recovered and everyone was sure that such chaotic situation won't happen again.

They asked the Avengers for help to return home. They are provided a private jet to go to Seoul and find the book store. They all see it and rush to find the book but don't find it anywhere.

"Oh are you looking for this?" An old man holding that exact book asked them. "By the way, my name is Stan Lee. I am a write too, you should try to read some of my comics, they are fun. But do it in your universe"

They all looked at him shocked but before they could reply anything, the old man opened the book and they all say that flashing bright light again and boom back to their real universe.

They quickly sneak back into the dorm and go back to sleep as they all were tired due to the amount of time travel and being part time heroes.

Next morning Soobin and Boemgyu are sitting at the dinning table waiting for the breakfast that Yeonjun was cooking, when Taehyun and Kai came running to them.

"Hung you won't believe what I found next to me when I woke up today" Said Kai, holding two books in his hand.

One was a new book of the comic series The Avengers, named 'The Real Kings'. It was about how 5 people travelled through universes and saved the civilians in the fight of Avengers with Loki and his army. Nobody knows where they came from and where they went.

And the other book was the same, ancient book which helped you go through different realms and universes. But it had a note on it which read:

'Open the book whenever you miss my world and come join me here, in my heroic world' - Stan Lee

"Holy shit I really thought it was a crazy and dream guys" said Boemgyu.

"So what say, wanna travel again?" said Kai as he opened the book and the flashing bright light was back again.


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