First Meeting

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Arashi was taking a stroll around the city, just as he does daily. He enjoys looking at the tall infrastructures that gleamed in the morning sun and the smell of food being sold on the streets, but not as much as the enjoys being out of the house he shares with his parents.

He had his hands in the pocket of his favorite blue-and-green hoodie and was listening to rock music through his black earbuds. He heard a loud shriek nearby, thinking that something was wrong, only to notice then that there were more people in the area he was passing today than usual.

There were a crowd of girls swarming around a nearby building where what appeared to be models. Arashi was not surprised that all of the ruckus he could hear over his blasting music was caused by such teenagers.

A young lady who had a sachel stuffed with thin magazines passed one to everyone in the area, including Arashi. It was a male's fashion magazine.

Arashi felt a shiver go down his spine. Did she hand this to me because she thinks I'm out of style ? he thought, looking down at his multicolored attire. He tried to shake the idea from his head, for it was clear that the lady was handing the magazines for free to advertise the ongoing event at the building.

He removed his earphones and shoved them into his pocket as he tried to push his way down to the front of the crowd. As expected, he didn't make it too far, but all he wanted was to see a clearer view of what was going on that had all of these girls screaming with excitement.

Beyond the heads of the many girls bouncing around, a teenage male with dirty blonde hair and bright violet eyes caught his attention. According to the many overlapping voices from the girls around him, the model's name was Yuuya.

He looked so calm despite the chaos going on around him. Although Arashi was uncertain, there was a small hint of boredom in the model's face as he waved and spoke to his fans.

Then Yuuya suddenly turned his head and met eye-to-eye with Arashi. He couldn't help but blush. How could he notice me out of all these people? he thought. Then he realized that it was because 1. of his dorky attire, and 2. he was the only male in the swarm of girls. Aw shoot he must think I'm gay, he thought as he covered his face burning red face behind his hood.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Yuuya grinning, all negative emotion wiped from his face.

"Wait a second," Arashi whisperd to himself as he noticed something odd going on. He realized that there is a girl who appears to be younger than Yuu with blonde hair dip-dyed black at the tips along with him on the stage. She playfully nudged Yuu with her elbow, reverting Yuu's gaze away from Arashi.

"Is that a boy you're looking at?" Arashi read from the girl's lips as she giggled at Yuuya. He took this as his cue to leave, so he made his way through the swarm of girls and away from the crowd.

Arashi sighed as he found a bench to sit on across—but very far—from the building and noise erupting from the teenagers around it. He felt a tad tired, so he dozed off for a short while.


"Hey, isn't that the guy from a while ago, on that bench over there?"

"Yea, that is, actually."

"His clothes are all colorful and messed up, he looks like a rainbow!"

"Mhm, and now that I have gotten a closer look at him, I do notice that he looks..."

Arashi sat up and rubbed his eyes with the back of his wrist. He was awoken by the nearby voices of a girl and a boy.

He came to the idea that the voices belonged to Yuu and the female model that was with him on stage a while ago. He could see two blurred figures bent over just a bit over him, observing him.

As soon as his vision cleared, Arashi's face immediately heated up and his heart's pulse came to a complete stop as he realized that he was right.

Yuu's face was right across his, only centimeters away. He pushed the black rectangular-framed glasses slipping off Arashi's nose bridge with his index finger back up, smiling.

"... Kinda cute."

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