Afterword on the Text and its Notes

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When it was originally written, Sony Hale's "V" was meant to be a joke between herself and... well, herself. The entire book was intended to literally be the single word "blueberries". The book was written because the author was extremely bored being by herself in the summer of 2023. It is entirely fictional.

The acknowledgements after the book were made up by Hale to, in her words, "make the joke more alive, or more interesting". All of the people mentioned in the acknowledgements are fictional. She has no grandmother named "Georgie" who she calls "Mimi". She has a half sister by blood, who she isn't in contact with. Her best friends names are not in the acknowledgements, either. "Job Done Well, Inc." was made up as well. She doesn't even know what that was supposed to be. And even if it does actually exist, she doesn't know it. Hell, she doesn't even have an agent. 

So who is writing this afterword, you might ask? It's just me, Sony, writing in the third person to make myself feel important.

Everything in the second part of this book was made up except the Nobel Peace thing, though, because the Nobel Peace Prize is an actual thing, but those other awards are not. And, of course, I didn't win a Nobel Prize for "V" because only one person has viewed the damn thing since I published it. 

That's interesting... I don't think anybody really cares about what I write. Oh well!


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