A new life

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It was a new day. A new life. You just moved into your first college dorm at NYU to study in broadcast journalism to make your dreams of becoming a news anchor come true.

As you start unpacking and setting up your dorm, you listen closely to the streets of New York. The sounds of people walking across the street, the honking of cars, and the billboards from Times Square.

You also tend to look outside a lot, the beautiful lights at night was something you loved about New York. It was a peaceful view that made you calm and settle in for the night.

You look over to the clock on your dresser and notice it was pretty late. You sigh and basically collapse on your bed from the exhaustion of working on your new living space. I mean, the first day of school is only a week away! This dorm room has to look perfect!

You slip your pjs on and tuck yourself in bed. When suddenly you look outside your window and notice a flashing blue light.

"What the hell was that!?"

You get up and run outside to your small balcony and see...nothing..?

"What the-?"

You look up to see two  legs dangling from the edge of the rooftop.

"Is this person crazy!?"

You sprint out your dorm room to run up the stairs that lead to the rooftop. What was this person even doing up there? And is that even safe? You thought to yourself.

You finally get to the rooftop after sprinting up a couple flights of stairs. You stop to breathe for a second since you were completely out of breath.

"HEY!" You shout to the person sitting on the edge of the rooftop.

They look back at you in a state of shock.

"Are you crazy!? What the heck are you doing up here!? Especially this late at night!?" You said in a worried tone.

"You're the one who ran all the way up here." The person said.

But as you walked closer.. you realized this wasn't a person.

"What... What are you, exactly?" You questioned.

The mysterious figure turned around to reveal himself. He had green skin, A blue mask that flowed in the wind, and not to mention ripped as hell. But what stuck out to you the most was the red stripes on his face. They were...beautiful.

You began to realize you have been examining him for too long when he said "Hello?".

"Oh S-sorry! I was...distracted! Is all!"

"I'm a teenage mutant ninja turtle" he said as he flicked the tails of his mask.

"A what-now?" you say and  laugh in response.

"You must be new here."

"We are the saviors of New York! Me and my brothers that is."

"I'm Leonardo, but you can call me Leo." He said as he reached out and shook my hand.

I was surprised by the sudden movement, but I then shook his hand with my own.

"I'm Y/N."

"Cute name for a cute girl." Leo said, as he looked you up and down.

You suddenly turned pink and covered yourself, "oh my god, I can't believe I came up here with my pjs still on!" You said in embarrassment.

Leo just chuckled in response and said, "I think they're cute."

You continue to blush at his sudden compliments. You felt butterflies in your stomach each time he spoke.

"What are you even doing up here anyway?, Mr. 'Savior of New York'."You said as you raised an eyebrow.

"Just watching over the city gives me peace at night." He said in a soft voice.

"On the roof?"

"Yes, on the roof it gives me a better view, why?"

"Isn't that unsafe?"

"Well I have my trusty katanas here, so if I end up falling, I could just teleport my way out of it!"

"That doesn't even make sense?" You question.

"Here. I'll show you."

Leo grabbed your hand and used one of his katanas to slash open a blue portal. You stood there in shock.

"Where do you wanna go?" He said, smiling at me.

I froze in shock, not even realizing he asked me a question.

"Actually, I have a place in mind. Just hold on tight okay? We don't wanna get portal chopped!" Leo giggled.

You nodded, and followed him into the portal.

You both came out to the walkway side of the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge, and you both took a second to view the beautiful lights scattered throughout the bridge.

"Wow, Leo this is....This is beautiful."

"I know I have good taste, don't I?" He said with a smirk plastered across his face.

"That was incredible. You can just teleport, wherever you want!?"

"Yeah, basically."

You both stood there admiring the view In front of you. You glance at Leo who's standing right next to you and notice his shimmering eyes in the moonlight. You can't help but blush.

"Whatcha starin at?" Leo asked.

"What!? Nothing!" You shouted.

"Mhm, I should get you home, it's getting late."  Leo said.

He grabbed your hand and opened his portal taking you both back to the rooftop you once were on.

"Same time tomorrow, Y/N?" Leo asked, looking into your eyes.

"Sounds good to me." You said, smiling at Leo as he stepped through his portal once more.

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