Random girl I met on a roof

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It was a new day, you didn't have much to do since you already finished your dorm. So you decide to explore the city for the day.

You decide to head to Times Square first since it was the most popular tourist spot and you haven't been there yet. Seeing the lights this close was mesmerizing, but you only had one thought running through your head..



You practically thought about him the whole time.

I wonder if Leo likes this store?

I wonder if he likes this restaurant?

Why was this random turtle you met taking over your life?

You tried to put those thoughts aside and focus on shopping. You were currently in *insert favorite store* trying on almost every piece of clothing you could find.

Finally you land on an outfit you like and decide it's gonna be your outfit for the first day of college, I mean you gotta make a good first impression right?!

After a long time of shopping you decide to grab a quick bite at this random coffee shop you found that was close by. As you sat waiting for your food, you wished a certain someone was there with you.

God, why can't I get this guy out of my head!

As you get your food you try your best to clear your thoughts and forget about this guy. I mean, you're gonna start college in only 2 days! you can't just waste your time on some guy!


Then you realized.

Oh my god he's meeting up with me later!

As you realized this, you spit out some of your coffee causing it to get on your shirt.

"Shit!" You whispered to yourself, grabbing onto your shirt.

You soon finished your food and left the coffee shop but as you were walking, you noticed a weird guy following you. Not knowing what to do, you kept going in different directions to try to lose him. And spoiler alert...

It doesn't seem to work.

You took a deep breath in and ran into an empty, but sketchy looking alley way.

It was a dead end.


The guy just stood there for a second and then slowly started to walk closer to you, when suddenly a blue flashing light appeared right in front of you.

It was Leo!

He pulled out his katanas and looked the guy dead in the eye, battle stance ready and about to fight.

"Try Me." Leo said.

The guy was quick to run away. Coward.

Leo then turned to me and put his katanas down. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Try to stay out of trouble, Kay?" You started to grow red at the sudden touch.

"Excuse me what!? He was following me for no reason!"

"Relax, I'm kidding!  Are you okay though? Did he hurt you?" Leo asked, genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine, thankfully. But what are you even doing here? How did you-"

"Me and my brothers were just on patrol I just so happened to notice you"

He paused.

"You and the creepy guy that is! " Leo said followed by a nervous laugh.

"By the way, you got a lil something on your shirt" he said gently tugging on the spot of your shirt with the coffee stain.

You smacked his hand from your shirt and said, "i know, It's been a long day."

"Woah someone's a little feisty today, huh!?" Leo said folding his arms and laughing.

You playfully scoffed in response.

"Well I'll see you tonight, beautiful" he whispered into your ear then quickly vanished.

You stood there with your face flushed.

This guy is gonna kill me.


A few hours passed and you just got out of the shower, looking at the time it was getting pretty late but you soon realized this was when you and Leo met up last night.

"Oh shit Leo's coming in like 2 minutes!" You panicked.

You quickly threw on a big baggy T-shirt and some leggings and put your hair up in a high messy bun.

You sprinted up the stairs to the rooftop and waited for Leo.

"He cannot keep making me come all the way up here" You said, out of breath.

Leo then jumped onto the roof

"Perfect timing" You said, still out of breath.

"I can't Believe you came all the way up here just to see me!" Leo smirked, with one hand on his hip.

"Took all my energy but hey, you did save my life earlier." You shrugged.

"Uh Yeah, and I never got a proper thank you!?"

"Thanks." You said.

We both stood there and looked at each other, when we both heard music blasting from one of the dorms. Someone was definitely having a party or something but it was a slower song.

Leo let out a hand and said, "wanna dance?"

"Uhm, I don't dance." You said, followed by a nervous laugh.

"Oh come on." Leo said as he wrapped his arm around your waist with one hand and held your own hand with the other.

We started to slow dance to the beat of the music.

Leo smiled and looked at you the entire time, this caused you to giggle a little because his smile just gave you so much joy.

"What's so funny?" Leo asked

"Your smile just makes me happy"  You said, blushing.

"Oh?" Leo said and then started to laugh with me.

And just like that we were slow dancing for what felt like forever.

Then the music stopped.

"You're not a bad dancer!" Leo said.

"Why thank you, Leonardo" You said in a playful tone.

"Could I have your number? Just so we could maybe...hangout more?" Leo asked, looking nervous.

"O-Of Course!" I said as I took his phone and put my number in his contacts as, 'random girl I met on a roof'.

"Text me later, Kay?" He said.

"If I'm not sleeping I will!" You said.

"Tomorrow?" He said as he opened a portal.

"Tomorrow." You said with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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