58: Lying In A Song

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The day of the exam rolled around, it was Kazu's birthday. She picked out an all white outfit to match her Hello Kitty shoes, she went to school that morning, she saw Niki and Marco. Sami, Fifi, and Scythe were able to exempt but unlucky enough the three got stuff doing the physics exam. The exam started and Niki had already pulled out her cheat sheet, Marco started filling out the answers, Kazu had trouble reading, she didn't bring her glasses because they didn't match her outfit. Niki finished her exam and left to go about her day, soon followed Marco. Kazu was stuck on the last few questions then finished up and soon left the school.

Kazu met up with Marco after school they were going shopping for her party, she needed an outfit for her after party. They walked in the mall together, and shopped in a few stores, it was only supposed to be for an hour according to Marco but it lasted way longer than Kazu thought, she had planned for Marco to leave because he said he had things to do but he stayed longer and Viper was supposed to meet her to pick out her dress. As the two continued to walk in the mall, Kazu got nervous knowing Viper would cause a scene seeing her with her ex, that being said she started getting anxious, Marco caught on and asked her what was up, "Nothing, I'm good" she smiled slightly, shortly after Viper came walking behind the two, "Oh hey Viper!" Kazu said, Marco hearing the name caught on to why she was so anxious, she had told him about Viper before in her rants so he dismissed himself from an awkward situation by simply saying, "It was nice running into you, cya around Kazu" before walking off, he knew Viper liked to cause to scenes because of things Kazu said so he tried helping her out, Kazu sighed in relief and waved him goodbye as Viper and Kazu started shopping for her dress.

Hours later Viper and Kazu were sitting in her room as she was further planning her party finalizing everything. "Can we talk?" Viper asked, "Sure what's up?" Kazu replied.
"So Marco, do I have anything to worry about? We're trying to fix our relationship and I can't help the feeling you're not all in it." the long haired boy said, "No not at all, we're just friends and nothing like that could ever happen between us I don't mean to make it seem that way though" the curly haired girl replied. Viper smiled and thanks her for reassuring him that they'd be okay even with her being friends with her ex, Kazu reluctantly smiled back. She didn't know what else to say so she said anything that could've caused conflict, she wasn't wrong. Marco didn't have feelings for her anymore, but it was obvious she still had feelings for him.

Viper left later, and Kazu laid in bed and replied to all the happy birthday wishes she had received then texted Ali explained what happened at the mall and how she panicked, she thought of a second and texted Marco to thank him for saving her earlier that day and he said "No problem, I wouldn't want to make problems for you." she smiled, and put on the hoodie he had let her wear that night while going onto her balcony looking at pictures of her and Marco, then ran into a few of her and Viper. Who did she look happier with? Always smiling with Marco in the baggiest of clothes with her glasses on looking like a nerd versus in the nicest uncomfortable dresses smiling with loads of makeup on, she had to be someone she wasn't with Viper but could be exactly who she was when she was with Marco.

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