59: Maybe Good Things Arent Planned

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The next day Kazu was getting her hair done, Viper sat in the waiting area, the Limo was late to pick them up. The lady was late to do Kazu's makeup and her outfit wasn't there yet. Kazu getting anxious and upset Viper came over and held her hand, Kazu obviously irritated rolled her eyes, she didn't want to be comforted she wanted everything to be perfect. After a while she passed out in the hairdressers chair and woke up to a lady finishing her makeup, the lady running in with her dress. She went to put it on and realized she had a little arm hair and she NEEDED it to be fixed or else she was going to stress over it, nothing in site she could shave with so she took an eyebrow razor and got rid of it, cutting herself slightly but it was okay now. The limo arrived 13 minutes late which was fine being the fact she had to tie her corset which too forever. Viper opened her door and lifted her dress from the ground helping her in the Limo.

The Limo arrived at the mall which was the meet up spot to pick up all her friends, Eli, Marco, Niki, Sami, Rueben, Dahlia, Bean, Moto, Dom, Raine, Sam, Isaac, Fifi, and Viper. She walked in the mall to meet up with them as she walked in her huge quince dress people in the mall stared, some complimented her, and took pictures. She saw her friends and they loved her outfit. They took a few pictures with her before leaving to get into the Limo, they went out to eat, the Limo driver started driving but we realized we were going to the wrong place, Viper directed the driver to the right restaurant and once they arrived they all sat down and ordered laughing amongst themselves. Fifi and Kazu caught up since she hadn't been with the group, Niki and Sami flirted back and forth, Eli, Dom, Isaac and Viper tag team shadow boxed.

They got their food after a while of talking,
"Ooo who ordered that sushi," Niki asked and Dahlia replied saying it was her. "May I try one?" Niki asked Dahlia nodded, she used her chopsticks and picked on up feeding it to Niki, "Oh my god that's so good" Niki replied, "Dining like a queen" Fifi added, "Real where's my princess treatment?" Kazu jokingly said, A few at the table looking at Viper, yet he didn't react to it, Niki nudged Marco signaling him to do something. He shook his head, and they continued eating. Kazu left with Dahlia to go do her outfit change and she game back out in a tutu and a all white corset. All of her friends hyped her up when she came back, "You look lovely my love," Viper added before they all started to leave to get ready for their next birthday activity.

They arrived at the skating rink after a while of driving and talking and laughing together. They got their skates on and skated in the skating rink, Niki pulling Kazu to the side to let her know when she's skating he skirt flies up, Kazu thanked her for telling her and when she skating she was more careful and aware of it. "Why'd you tell her??" Fifi said jokingly. They laughed together after a while the group got bored. They found a seat in the corner after a few of them left it was only, Eli, Marco, Viper, Fifi, Niki, Sami, Sam, and Kazu. They played truth or dare. It was Niki's turn, "I dare you to expose you and sam's most recent texts" Sami said.
Stinkabutt (Niki's name in Sam's phone): don't act like i won't touch you under a table while you're at dinner with your family 😁😁😁😁
"I think I'm too young to be seeing this" Fifi said, "That's wild as hell" Eli added. Kazu's turn, Niki added, "Anyway, Truth or Dare Kazu." "Dare" "I dare you to kiss Viper" Niki smirked at her, Kazu glanced around the room before leaning in and kissing Viper in front of the group. The group didn't react much, Marco had dismissed himself to the bathroom after the fact, he didn't want to walk back over there after, but why was that?

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