Purple Jelly

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The girl looked over as she began packing up, finally meeting those eyes as the individual looked her over "Uh.."

They cleared their throat and then sat their hands in their pockets "Haitani. You speak Japanese?"

She smiled at his English. She always liked the way the people here spoke to her in it, the accent was what made her smile the most. She then nodded "(L/n) (Y/n). Nice to meet you, Haitani"

He nodded and observed her for a minute while she gathered her thi--Did you move here or something?"

(Y/n) sat her bag on her shoulders and gave him a sweet smile "Yeah, not too long ago. You must be new though" Ah, there it goes. She continued the conversation, damn

Haitani shrugged as he held his bag "Yeah, today's my first day"

(Y/n) hummed and then turned "Don't get lost. Oh-" She waved her hand at him as she decended down "Call me (Y/n). (L/n) just sounds off"

His eyes widened just a slight bit but, they fell right back. First name bias. Hm

She knew it was different for them since that's their culture. But, her last name just...Wasn't a good name to just- It's complicated


(Y/n) smiled at the woman at the other side of the counter "Thank you!"

The woman nodded back at her and let her go on to sit and eat before going to her next class. Nothing like some good rice and nood-


The girl gripped the box only to notice that she seems to have bumped into someone

And when she saw the coffee on the floor, she couldn't help but pale. The girl looked up only to sweatdropped at who it was..

"Oh, Haitani-I'm so sorry, I wasn't lookin' where I was goin'"

She reached down and lift up the cup only for him to go down and touch the cup as well, their hands grazing. She paused and reeled her hands back "I-Uh.." The other simply stood and offered her a hand, to which she stood herself

And promptly smiled "Here, I'll get you some napkins" She sat her food down and went over to a table that held some supplies.

She shuffled to the side and grabbed ahold of some, quickly coming back to him so she could fix him right on up. She bent and wiped it down while he stood in the same spot

"Sorry 'bout that. I can buy you another one"

She tossed her things into the trash and made her way over to him. Haitani glanced to the side and then shook his head "It's fine, I swear"

(Y/n) pursed her lips "You sure?" He waved his hand and nodded "Yeah, it's good"

She hummed and lift up her food "Alright then, Haitani. I'll see you later" And just like that, she was walking out yet again. The Male stared at her and then continued on with his walk-

-after her. He was matching her speed just a few bits away from her so she wouldn't notice. (Y/n) opened the box as she stopped suddenly, causing him to move and observe her as she ate some of her noodles

She then closed it and pushed forward

And he made sure to follow right next to her


The door opened to the home, the girl closing the door and locking it before going to her little living room

She didn't know what others really do but, she just decdied to eat her food in her room. Comfortable and the T.V. was in there

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