Fog and Smoke

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The girl walked along side a park as she let her mind wander. It was the early morning and she was in the mood to go out early. It was rather pretty out. It was all nice and dew was covering all around, fog was in the air still

Some were out along with her but it was mostly just her strolling about

(Y/n) looked down to her phone and smiled at the message she received from her Sister. She was just yelling at her about visiting and all. She didn't mind anyone coming to see her but she did enjoy her time alone

As (Y/n) stopped, she soon began looking up and stared at all the surrounding life. Beautiful green and pink trees, a playground, bugs and birds all about. It gave her a sense of peace


She looked down and paled at seeing her phone on the floor. Of course she dropped it, ain't nothin' new. At least the case was heavy duty


A voice? It scared the shit out of her but, she hid it down when she noticed that he was deadset right before her

She stayed put and stared at the Male in front of her as he bent and picked it up, soon offering it to her as he kept a cigarette in his mouth

(Y/n) smiled and took it back "Thank you! Sorry 'bout that"

He shook his head "No, it's fine. Dropping a phone is completely normal" She laughed a little, the Male giving her a smile as his eyes swung with interest as he stared at her. She looked up and immediately recognized that stare "You the only one here?"

He was taller than her, black, slick back hair with a stripe of white and a scar on his left side of his face. All with a cigarette I'm his mouth

The girl shrugged and looked back out "Guess so. I've seen some people pass by but, that's about it"

The other hummed and then offered his hand, the girl taking it and staring up at him as they shook hands

"Akashi Takeomi. You?"

She kept her smile as she shook his hand "(L/n) (Y/n). What's got you out here?"

She walked forward, causing him to follow along with her. He breathed in the toxic air and blew it out "Takin' a walk to clear the mind. I'm guessing you did the same" He then glanced down to her "You smile a lot though so, I might be wrong"

The girl shrugged as they began to make a curve on the sidewalk "You got me-I'm just strollin', to be honest" She looked up as the trees were blurred by the fog and the birds began to awake

She then glanced his way, noticing the smile on his face and the way his eyes traveled down her face and body

"What was on your mind?"

He blinked from his trance and then looked to the side and then back to her "...Well.." He sighed, making her even more curious "It's my Brother.." The girl hummed, curious about his words "Oh?"

The Male sucked in some breath and rubbed his neck "Just been fighting alot. I did raise him a little rough, y'know. But.."

"I wish I could reverse that. Just want my little Brother back"

She glanced his way and noticed the saddened look that crossed his face. Takeomi could only let his mind cloud of what he could've done better. What he should've done instead of what he did do. Being a sibling to look after his Family instead of being the one that chased after hoes

"I got some Brothers"

He stopped and looked over to see (Y/n) staring ahead "They would get into fights too. Mostly with each other than other people"

She shrugged "I don't know if it'll work but, maybe take him out. Have a drive around? Go in his room and joke around? Leave him his favorite treat"

She kept a smile on her face as she began to reminisce on her family and their cheerful looks "That's what we did for each other"

"...And it works?"

(Y/n) shrugged "'Guess it depends. But, it's all about the effort" Takeomi hummed and stared at her, his eyes traveling yet again. This was a girl with brains. Brains and body..

"You could teach me a few things, huh?"

The girl laughed a little and looked up to him to catch him smirking. She then stopped in their walk and turned his way "I know what you're gonna ask. Go ahead and say it" And all with a smile. Takeomi's eyes went wide and then he stuttered slightly "W-Well...Uh-I.."

He gulped at the way her eyes scanned his face and waited. What was with them! Why did they look at him like that! As if they were staring into his dirtiness

He rubbed the back of his neck and gulped just a little "I was gonna ask if you wanna be my Sugar Baby"

Her eyes went wide, now that's confidence!

(Y/n) then smiled and shook her head "Haven't been asked that before. But, I'm sorry. I can't" Takeomi felt a clench in his heart just a little "You sure? I could pay alot, y'know"

She began to feel slightly...Nervous around this Man just a little. But, seeing him and observing his body language, she could tell there was something about him. He was nervous himself yet desperate..

"How about this"

She lifts up her phone and offered it to him "Let's trade numbers" He was confused but still did so, he didn't min-

"Take me out someday, I'll agree to that"

Takeomi began to grow flush. A date? Date?! How long has it been since he's been on one? Not only that, she was willingly going to go with him?

Takeomi smiled and lift up her Phone, putting her number into his while he did the same to her own phone. He then passed it back to her while she stared over the digits and then blinked in surprise at the time "Oh! Jesus-"

She then smiled up at the ravenette "I gotta go in time for classes. I see you later though, right?"

He nodded, the joy spreading through his body "Of course, right"

She waved and went off, him doing the same. He then looked down at his phone and hummed. Looks like he had another shot with her..

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