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Hate Crime - A attack on a person due to an aspect of themself, such as being LGBTQ+ in some form and also happens a lot to people of color or of certain religons among other reasons

He - A typically masculine pronoun, He/Him/His/His/Himself

Heteronormativity - The belief that heterosexual is the superior sexuality and all people are heterosexual

Heterophobia - A irrational fear of straigh people, usually used by straight people to make fun of LGBTQ+ people

Heteroromantic - A romantic attraction to the opposite gender

Heterosexual - A sexual attraction to the opposite gender

Homophobia - An irrational fear or avoidance of gay people that is used to hurt LGBTQ+ people

Homoromantic - A romantic attraction to people of the same gender

Homosexual - A sexual attraction to people of the same gender

Hormone Blockers - A type of gender-affirming health care for young people who are trans or struggling with identity, these prevent puberty from taking affect and are completely reversible

Hormone Therapy - A type of gender affirming health care for trans people where they can take testoserone to transition to a more male body and estrogen to a more female body

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