Part 2: Surrender

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The German soldiers were standing in front of us, facing the wall in front. I peeked and found Richard sitting on his knees as his hands were put together on the back of his head. He was brutally wounded, skinnier than ever. What really shocked me was the clothes he was wearing. He had the Feldgrau German uniform on. 

He was shivering, waiting for death. They had invaded our base. But before they could go any further, we killed them all. I carried Richard and told the rest to back me up. I was carrying Richard on my shoulders until we reached the camp. 

Jonathan sat in front of Richard and asked him, "Rich, what..... what happened, what did they do to you?" Rich didn't say a word. Ed sensed that he's too weak to even open his mouth. He went outside with Michael and came back with food and some medicines for his wounds. Michael stayed outside to watch out. Eventually Richard finished eating. But he was still feeling way too weak, and It was already night time so we went ahead to sleep. 

The next day when we woke up, we asked Richard about what happened. He started telling, he was still shivering, we could sense it in his voice. 

"When we entered the tunnel, a German soldier noticed us and pulled his trigger, my upper body was still outside, I saw him and I jumped in, but it was too late. he shot a bullet inside. The bullet hit me on my back going straight to my chest. It went right beneath my heart, it missed a couple of inches from killing me. When you all left me in the camp and went to the tunnel again. They broke into our base and made me surrender to them, I had no other option, so I did. They had me imprisoned in our own camp for 5 days straight. But what happened to you all? Why did it take you so long to exit the tunnel? Did.... did something happen? Are they coming back?" Richard started shivering as he finished talking. As I was applying meds to his wounds, Ed started speaking about what happened to us. After Ed finished, Richard got scared and said, "But.... But I wasn't dead right?, how did I.... Wait I get it. So... me being transparent represents my condition where I was on the verge of death. But that sounds made up." As I was about to say something, we started hearing gunshot and screams. 

Thinking that there's a problem we went outside in a hurry and saw the Germans lying dead next to the camp tower. Michael was standing there with his gun. We were absolutely astonished by how he killed numerous amount of soldiers all on his own. We once again left Rich inside of the camp and started watching out for attacks, and by that time everything was unraveled.

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