Chapter 4

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It turned out luck was once again on Jinyoung's side. As the week progressed it became clear his ankle's muscles were only sprained minorly. Despite the pain, Jinyoung practised everyday, determined to make progress. His efforts soon paid off, as by the end of the week he was wobbling around the place on two legs again. As great of a feat as this was, he remained careful. He spend most of his time by the hut and was slowly starting to get the hang off some of the chores Jaebum had given him. He could now pluck any of the birds the man brought back from his hunts with ease. Thankfully he hadn't been asked to skin anything as of yet.

Out of all the chores he'd had to tackle, Jinyoung had gotten the most joy out of weaving. On his fifth day at the hut Jaebum had given him a heap of straw and grasses. He'd had no clue what to do in the beginning but after many failed attempts he'd come to the conclusion it was kind of like braiding. Now he used the technique to make baskets and mats. Or, at least objects that resemble them.

He had expected to find it difficult to adjust to his new temporary life, but he had surprised himself by how quickly he had gotten used to the new routine and surroundings. Of course he missed his soft bed and homemade meals, but funny enough he'd felt less lonely here in the forest than he had living with his family and all their servants.

His host wasn't a man of many words but Jinyoung didn't mind. He actually kind of enjoyed how they would prepare meals together and eat in silence. It gave him a chance to let his thoughts wonder and occasionally observe his host. He seemed to be a melancholic and solitary type. Often Jinyoung caught him staring into the flames, his mind clearly elsewhere.

Today the man was away collecting kindling in the forest, and so Jinyoung had the place completely to himself. As he looked out at the nature before him, he felt strangely content. The sun was shining brightly, highlighting all the wildflowers sprinkled across the grass that surrounded the hut. He smiled and took off his shoes. The grass felt soft and welcoming beneath his bare feet as he walked around picking some flowers on his way.

Eventhough the small hut was to be his home for the coming days, it didn't feel much like one. As Jinyoung looked down at the cheerful bouquet in his hands an idea formed in his mind. He dug around in a few cupboards until he found an old dusty pot. It had a small chip at the rim, but it would work fine for what he had in mind. He filled it with some water he collected from the well and placed his fresh flowers inside. After arranged them to his liking, he was finished. They might not have been as exotic and bright as the ones displayed at home, but they would brighten up the place all the same. When he placed the pot on the table however, he realised it's prettiness wasn't going to fix the mess that was the rest of the hut. So he rolled up his sleeves and got to work.

With a small broom he'd found forgotten under the bed, he cleaned the floor thoroughly, sending clouds of dust and dirt flying out of the open door. While emptying out a closet he found not one but five animal skulls which almost made him empty his stomach. But he persevered and tackled the cooking area next, washing all the pots and plates and while he was at it, rearranged all the furniture. He placed some of his woven mats on the floor to give the space a more comfortable and homely feel. When he had finally finished and looked around at the result, he felt satisfied and maybe even a little proud. When he thought about the reaction his host's was going to have to the transformation, he let out a small giggle in anticipation.

Luckily he didn't have to wait long as the sun soon started to set, announcing Jaebum's approaching return. When the evening sky became soft and filled with golden light, Jaebum appeared at the tree line. He carried a bag across his shoulder filled with nuts. Its weight and the long journey had left him tired and worn out. When he noticed Jinyoung standing in the doorway waving at him however, a small smile grew on his face.

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