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" What is happening?" Was the first thing Tsireya said when she caught up. Ateya turned towards the crowd and noticed how the newcomers were a dark blue unlike the Metkayina which were more of a turquoise color. They had a few differences which helped Ateya quickly come up with an answer to Tsireya's question.

"Forest people."


Lo'ak was tired. Like really tired. They had been traveling for about two days now, not to mention they had flown through a storm which wasn't necessarily fun. He was happy to finally see some land after a while. As soon as they flew across the barrier he heard a horn blow.

Once they landed he saw people already starting to form a circle around them.

"Great." He said under his breath. He expected this to happen of course, but that didn't mean he was very fond of it.

As he got off his Ikran he saw his mom reach for her bow.

"Hey, leave it." His father said as soon as he laid eyes on Neytiri. With that they slowly started to walk towards the crowd. His dad raised his hands as he walked as Neteyam quickly copied his father's gesture.

They came to a stop right in the middle of the crowd. Lo'ak was standing in between Neteyam and Kiri. Neteyam being on his right and Kiri being on his far left. His parents and Tuk stood in front of him. Lo'ak saw the crowd suddenly part and make way for two boys walking towards them. They looked about his age. One had his head high as if trying to look intimidating while the other just walked behind him. As soon as they got closer both Lo'ak and Neteyam raised their hands to their forehead and did the "I see you" gesture. To their surprise neither of the two boys did it back. All they did was look them up and down.

" What is that? Is it supposed to be a tail?" The shortest one said pointing at Neteyam's tail.
" How are they supposed to swim?" He continued, both of the boys laughing. All Lo'ak did was turn around and glare at both of them. When he turned back around he spotted two girls walking out of the water. One was really pretty he couldn't lie, but the other one? Holy shit she was gorgeous. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in surprise. What he didn't notice was his mom smirking at him when she realized who he was looking at. To his luck both of the girls made their way towards the two other boys laughing at him and Neteyam. As soon as they got there, one of the girls slapped the back of the taller boy's head.

"Do not. Rotxo, Ao'nung." The girl said with a stern look on her face. The other girl laughed seeing what had happened. She went beside the taller boy.

"Skxawng" she said chuckling as she turned around. As soon as she turned around she made eye contact with Lo'ak.

"Hey." Lo'ak blurted out. A flirty smirk making its way to his face. The girl looked flustered as she simply nodded and gave him a small smile. As the four Metkayina children made their way back Neteyam turned around to smirk and wiggle his eyebrows at his brother. Great, Lo'ak thought. Neteyam is definitely going to tease him about this later. Just as Lo'ak was going to tell Neteyam to quit he saw weird fish like animals flying towards the beach they were at. As they landed he saw a tall man walk out of the water. The chief. As soon as his parents saw him both of them made the same hand gesture him and Neteyam had done to the two other boys. Instead this time the man did it back.

"I see you Tonowari." His dad said.

" Jake Sully." The chief said nodding his head once more.

The crowd suddenly parted once more revealing a woman, the tsahik, Lo'ak assumed. She didn't look very pleased to see the family. Both his parents did the gesture once more upon seeing her.

"I see you Ronal. Tsahik of the Metkayina." Jake said as Neytiri did the same. While Ronal just simply looked at them. Reminding Lo'ak of the kids earlier.

"Why have you come to us Jake Sully?" The chief asked once his mate stood beside him. Jake took a quick look around before his words came out.

"We seek Uturu." He said slightly raising his arms up.

"Uturu?" Ronal asked in disbelief.

" A sanctuary for my family." Jake continued. Ronal started walking towards them. Inspecting them as Tonowari spoke.

"We are sea people, you are forest people. Your skills will mean nothing here."

" We will learn your ways. Right?" He said quickly turning to his family, a hint of desperation in his voice.

"Their arms are thin. Their tales are weak." Ronal said as she grabbed Kiri's tail.

" Hey!" Kiri said, visibly annoyed.

" They will be slow in the water." Ronal continued. Once Kiri grabbed her tail Ronal quickly grabbed her hands. And held them up for everyone to see.

"These children aren't even true Na'vi!" She yelled out turning to look at Tonowari before dropping Kiri's hand.

"Yes we are!" Kiri quickly protested as Ronal made her way towards Lo'ak, grabbing one of his hands.

" They have demon blood!"

All Lo'ak could do was hang his head low and stare at the sand, embarrassed. The two last words just kept on repeating inside his head.

"Demon blood."

Authors Note

Thank for reading this chapter! I tried to make it longer than the last so yeah hope you like it.

I will try to upload the chapters more quickly.
I'm sorry if it's taking a while but I promise I have better events taking place in this story later on! Just let me get through the basics on how they got to Awa'atlu and how they settled in first!

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