Part 13: Delilah/Metson

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"So, you found my planet's coordinates in a Starsoaked husk? And you decided to come offer assistance in dealing with that problem, bringing one ship with little to no magic? Did you actually think through your cover story here?"

She starts eating and gestures for them to do the same. She notes that Rian doesn't hesitate and the commander waits, but picks up his fork.

"An unfortunate oversight," he says, the edge of distrust still in his voice.

"Well, we are in no need of help. The Starsoaked came around 550 years ago and were fully exterminated fifty years later. Does that answer satisfy you? I can take you to History Hall tomorrow if you'd like to see the evidence."

She does her best to keep her voice light, but she remembers the loss of life Falrentis suffered when the Starsoaked came.


The commander asks himself if that does satisfy him; he knows it might be enough for a report, but also knows that more information might help them. The Starsoaked are an annoyance most times, but they're currently blocking All-Runner routes throughout the sphere.

"I would love to see History Hall!"

Rian chimes in, interrupting the commander's thoughts. He looks at them in mild annoyance, then sighs.

"I think a visit to your History Hall would be a good starting point. Though I have little use for magic myself, I do have a question regarding the subject."

He watches his host's face as he prepares to ask it, but gets nothing much from it. He can tell she's being truthful, but suspects from the familiar look of grief in her eyes that she's more involved than just reading the information from a history book.

"Go ahead," her voice is light and almost curious.

"Most planets that repel the Starsoaked are inhabited by at least one Quark or Voidchosen, but we're did not detect such a person or field on our approach- do you have one or did you once but lose them?"

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