Tremendous Bitterness of Sweet Memories

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Poetry Collaboration

@poembyselly and @atmospheric_Words

Made with @canva
Images @pinterest


~ Tremendous bitterness of sweet memories ~

I'll follow where the waves are gone,
I'll drown this feeling with the rainbow,
I'm willing this longing to fuse with my soul into one,
Together will always be like a pseudo dream,
It can only feel, but the soul is no longer connected, 
Believe me, this bitterness will always bring happiness later,
And in my heart there will always be many prayers for you.


I will let myself drift away dissolved into foam
foam that dissipates with the bitterness of the pain of love and happiness
made myself fall and realized that I had to move on with my life
trying sincerely to let go of the attachment of codependency that shackles me
which brings me further with true happiness
happiness And all the delayed achievements, manifestation
ambition And deep-rooted ego for temporary gratification
only surrender and sincere feelings that can be done to get inner peace and true happiness
Free yourself from attachment to things that hinder your goals
being present, being grounded And always a positive mindset to achieve all your desires
Just keep being you
Being true to yourself and say this spell only for you and your higher self
"I know My Worth"




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