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Hi, I'm your author, Sora. I wanted to make some things clear about this book before I start with the story. I also wanted to thank you, my dear reader, for giving this a try, it means the whole world to me <3.

First off, English isn't my first language, and what I learned is from school, so it's just really basic, ugly English. If I have some grammar mistakes, or a sentence can be worded in another way, notify me, I'll change it as soon as I can :).

Second, as a person that has lived in the United States for a year, exchange program thing, and lives in Europe, learning British English there, I'm going to mix expressions from both those places, so don't be weirded out if suddenly I switch to an American word, and then to a British.

Third, this is personal experience. I'm a fifteen year old, suffered, and still suffers bullying. The bullying I'm going to talk about isn't something direct, it's going to be small actions that made me feel like I didn't belong, or made me think about why I was born. This book can contain some harsh descriptions of self harm, but I'll try to make it as light as possible in that way, don't worry :D.

Four, I'm just writing this to improve with my English writing skills, they are horrible, makes me want to puke sometimes. This is why I'm asking for people to tell me how to write better, I needed it for September.

Five, this can get reeeeeeaaaally cringy at times, I don't usually reread what I write, because if I do, I just get all embarrassed. If it gets to the point where the cringiness makes you want to burn your eyes, notify me, I will try to change it as fast as I can.

Hope you enjoy this and give it a small try, love you, reader, for giving me a chance <3.

TW: Might contain some curse words, and self harm incidents. 

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