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Harry Styles.

"Okay so what's that?" I point to the next page. "Thats easy? You just try and sound it out. Daddy says that if you read it slow and take your time, just know you'll get there."

"Your dad is an idiot who uses his broken gear stick as a knife. But this he's a pro at? I don't believe it."

"Believe it sister." My god am I glad she's back to her old self again. "Stop calling me sister."

"Sorry charming. So tell me sir- this word is how you say?" She holds her first up like a microphone. "D- nope, that's a b, is that a b? I can never tell.c those little bastard are the same. I hate the d, b and the p. I hate them all."

"That my brave friend, is a q."

"What the fuck is a q! Why's it look like that man! What the fuck!"

I fall back against the carpet. "I'm never going to get it Princess. I just can't read. I've learned to except it. It's time you do too."

"You need cake?"

"I hate cake. I need to be able to read. What if I like- get married or something- or have to speak at some dead guy's funeral and I just spew out a bunch of shit that wasn't on the paper? I'd be doomed."

"Charming. You're gonna doing great. You got the first page." I sit up. "Princess were reading pip's adventure books. This is year one level reading."

"Yes and that's where you are. It's okay. You don't have to rush this. She never let you read and we weren't allowed to read there, you had no time. It's okay."

"It's not okay. I feel stupid." I fall onto her lap. "Do you want a princess make over? That always cheers me up."

"No thank you baby I'm okay. I'll get over it." Her bedroom door opens carefully. "Are you okay- You look sad, why are you sad?" Louis walks in.

"This book is making me sad." I wasn't technically lying was I. "Oh, why?"

I can't fucking tell him can I, he'll laugh at me and I'd just fucking off myself if he did that.

"It was a very sad book." Nia whispered. "I see," He sits in front of me. "What's actually wrong then?" He brushes his hand over my hair. "This book is making me sad."

Were the words supposed to move? She didn't warn me about that. "Harry what's wrong?"

"Nothing it's fine. Seriously I'm just tired." Nia was platting my hair I can feel it. "Okay."

I can't keep it to myself my whole life though can I. I wasn't going to tell him of course but if it just happened to- no I would hate that even more.

Fuck it, I guess it stay a secret until I die.

"Did you want me to go?" Oh god. "No, no I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm- I'm just being dramatic I swear. Please- you don't, you don't have to go."

"Okay. Angel do you like your room? Did you want something-"

"No!" She yells. "No, no please don't change it. If you change it then I'll be older. Please don't make me be older."

"Oh, baby no that's not- you don't have to worry. You're not in any rush to get older I promise. I just meant like a new pink wallpaper and a glitter carpet you know? I wasn't going to make it boring, we can keep it the same too. That's okay."

"Please don't make me grow up." I kiss her cheek holding her hand. "Angel you have all the time in the world, take as much time as you need. It's okay. Your room is big enough I can build you a castle. For your school work, we could put a desk in."

"I don't want to be spoiled, I don't want to be mean and have money." I tie her hair back watching her start to overheat. "You're the most kind and caring princess I've ever met angel, you deserve the entire world. You are not spoiled in a bad way."

"Princess you went through something really bad, something a kid should never have to deal with. We're not buying you all these things because you're spoilt, we buy them because you deserve the love that you missed out on. The way you grew up wasn't kind on you, but you're going to grow up slowly and be kind even with all this money. A princess deserves a castle."

"I don't want to go to people school, I want to stay here and let auntie Riley teach me how auntie Nelly used to." I scrunch my nose. "I bet she'd love that. She's always wanted to be a teacher you know."

I tap her nose as she scrunches it. "Angel. You need to stop worrying. You're a good kid, a wonderful person and you make everyone here smile and I need you to be a kid, I need you not to stress, that's my job and I hate that you got that part of me, that's like one of the worst parts. But you need to let it go, it's okay to let it go. Just be a kid."

"I'll get you the same tea that my sister used to drink, she was always quite calm but she never stopped bouncing around like a rabbit. I'll get you that tea and hopefully you will just let yourself have fun. Sound like a plan?"

"Yeah." The door opens again. The rest of them come piling in. Niall falls onto my lap. "What's going on in here then? Aye? Anything special?"

"I don't want to grow up." He clicks. "Me either Nays, that's why I always say to grow old, you don't have to grow up, just old. That way you get to act like an idiot in your 50's."

"Niall refuses to grow up. That's why you have so much fun with him." Safah sits on the edge only her bed folding her clothes. "Your dad had to grow up quite quickly, that's why he's not going to put that pressure on you."

"Yeah Riley's right. I mean he had you at 14 and bloody Nora knows his dad wasn't any help beforehand. You won't be dad lottery Nays." Zayn laughs.

I start to play the drums on Niall's head. "I like being back home."

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