Bonds of loyalty

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Pre relationship!
No warnings 🤍
Evan Rosier walked briskly through the bustling corridors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his mind consumed by worry. Rumors of a fight had spread like wildfire, and the name of his closest friend, Barty Crouch Jr., was entangled in the whispers that reached his ears. Concern etched across Evan's face as he hurriedly made his way to their shared dormitory, determined to find out the truth.

Pushing open the door, Evan found Barty sitting on his bed, his face flushed with anger and frustration. He looked up as Evan entered, his expression still tinged with remnants of the altercation that had taken place earlier.

"What happened, Barty?" Evan's voice held a mix of worry and confusion. "Why did you get into a fight?"

Barty's eyes met Evan's, a fierce determination burning within them. "It was because of you, Evan," he replied, his voice edged with anger. "Some students were spreading lies, mocking your family, your ambitions. I couldn't stand by and let them tarnish your name."

Evan's eyes widened, a mix of emotions swirling within him. Gratitude and concern warred within his heart. "But Barty, you didn't have to fight for me. It's just idle talk. I can handle it."

Barty's gaze softened, the fire in his eyes giving way to a deeper understanding. "I know you can, Rosie. But loyalty means standing up for those we care about, even when they can handle it themselves. I won't let anyone speak ill of you."

Silence enveloped the room as Evan absorbed Barty's words. The realization of the unwavering loyalty and friendship that bound them together filled his heart with warmth. In that moment, he understood the depth of their connection, forged through shared ambitions and a genuine care for one another.

Evan took a step closer to Barty, a mixture of gratitude and concern evident on his face. "Thank you, Barty," he said, his voice tinged with emotion. "Your loyalty means more to me than words can express."

Barty nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "You're like family to me, Evan. I won't let anyone harm you, be it with words or actions."

In that quiet moment, Evan and Barty shared an unspoken understanding. Their bond was not just about ambition and loyalty to a cause; it was about standing up for one another, protecting each other in times of adversity.

As they sat side by side on the edge of the bed, the tension of the fight melted away, replaced by a renewed sense of trust and camaraderie. Evan knew that, no matter the challenges that lay ahead, Barty would always have his back.

In the depths of their friendship, Evan Rosier found solace, reassurance, and a profound appreciation for the loyalty that Barty Crouch Jr. held dear. Together, they would weather the storms that Hogwarts and the world beyond had in store for them, their bond unbreakable.

And in that shared resilience, they would continue to face whatever challenges came their way, side by side, casting aside the shadows of doubt and emerging stronger than ever before.
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