An unpleasant night

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Pre relationship but clooose friends
TW: Guy being a creep, unwanted touching/inappropriate behavior
Please don't read if you're sensitive to these subjects!🤍
You are important and you matter.
Barty Crouch and Evan Rosier worked as bouncers, ensuring the safety of patrons at a bustling nightclub during the night shift. Their eyes keenly surveyed the crowd, always ready to step in if trouble arose. On a fateful evening, a man with an unsettling aura approached Evan, his intentions clear and unwelcome.

"You should come with me, sweetheart," the man leered, his voice dripping with malice.

Barty, his protective instincts instantly ignited, swiftly stepped in, positioning himself between Evan and the stranger. "Back off," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "He's not interested."

The man's face contorted with anger, his eyes narrowing at Barty's intervention. Tension crackled in the air, and it seemed as though a fight was about to erupt. Barty's fists clenched, his gaze unwavering. However, the awareness of their responsibilities as bouncers held them both back, preventing the situation from escalating further.

Several nights later, Evan found himself on duty with James Potter, another colleague. To Evan's dismay, the same man resurfaced, undeterred by his previous encounter. He approached Evan, crossing personal boundaries and becoming increasingly inappropriate.

Witnessing the man's behavior, James reacted swiftly, forcefully pulling him away from Evan. A heated argument ensued between James and the man, the exchange fueled by anger and frustration. The commotion caught the attention of bystanders, leading them to call the police.

As sirens blared in the distance, Evan's fear intensified, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he needed someone he could trust, someone who would ensure his safety. With trembling hands, Evan dialed Barty's number, desperately seeking his presence and protection.

The phone rang, and Barty's voice, laced with concern, filled the line. "Evan, where are you? Are you okay? Tell me what's happening."

Evan's voice trembled as he replied, "Barty, it's the man again. I'm at the club, and that man from yesterday is here. James had to step in, and the police are on their way."

Barty's tone remained steady but filled with worry. "Stay put, Evan. I'm on my way. Just hold on tight. I won't let anything happen to you."

True to his word, Barty arrived swiftly, his eyes scanning the scene, searching for Evan amidst the chaos. The moment their gazes locked, relief washed over Evan, knowing that Barty was there for him. Barty quickly closed the distance between them, wrapping Evan in a protective embrace, shielding him from the lingering fear.

As they settled into the safety of Barty's car, Evan's voice trembled with residual fear. "Barty, I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. I thought something terrible was going to happen."

Barty's voice was filled with determination and tenderness as he reassured Evan, "I understand, Evan. But you're safe now. I won't let anyone harm you. I'm here to protect you."

Upon arriving at Evan's place, the weight of the night's events still hung heavily in the air. Seeking solace, they found refuge in each other's arms, their bodies entwined in a comforting embrace. Barty's voice softened as he continued to offer words of reassurance.

"You're not alone, Evan," Barty murmured, his voice filled with empathy. "I'll stay here with you tonight, and I'll protect you. Nothing will happen to you while I'm here."

As they sought comfort in each other's presence, Barty's concern manifested in gentle strokes through Evan's hair, a gesture he had

offered since their childhood days. Evan's blonde locks slipped through Barty's fingers, their familiar touch bringing solace and peace.

Evan's voice quivered as he spoke, his vulnerability laid bare. "Barty, I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for always being there for me, for protecting me."

Barty's voice held a mix of tenderness and determination. "You never have to thank me, Evan. It's what I'm here for. We've always looked out for each other, and that won't ever change."

In the quiet of the night, their shared embrace provided a sanctuary from the world's chaos. Evan nestled closer to Barty, finding comfort in his presence, his steady heartbeat echoing through the room.

"Barty, what if he comes back? What if he doesn't give up?" Evan's voice trembled with lingering fear.

Barty tightened his hold, his voice gentle but resolute. "I won't let him near you again, Evan. We'll take every precaution, involve the authorities if necessary. Your safety is my priority."

Evan's worries began to subside, gradually replaced by a sense of security. Barty's unwavering commitment and protective nature gave him the strength to face the uncertainties ahead.

As they lay there, enveloped in each other's warmth, the world outside faded away. The rise and fall of their breathing synchronized, a rhythm of trust and comfort. Barty's touch, stroking Evan's hair, became a soothing melody that lulled Evan's anxieties to rest.

In the stillness of the night, Barty whispered words of reassurance, his voice a gentle murmur. "You're safe, Evan. I'll always be here for you. I won't let anything or anyone harm you. You can trust me."

With Barty by his side, Evan found solace, strength, and the realization that he didn't have to face his fears alone. As the night wore on, the weight of their shared experiences and unspoken affection deepened their connection.

In the safety of each other's embrace, Evan finally succumbed to a peaceful slumber, knowing that Barty would keep watch over him. Their cuddling offered not just physical comfort but also a profound emotional bond, a testament to their unbreakable friendship and the love that silently bloomed between them.
Thank you for reading!
This is an extremely heavy and important topic and if you ever get sexually assaulted or someone is making you uncomfortable please tell someone you trust, it could be a friend or a parent. The important part is that you don't have to keep it to yourself anymore and have someone there to help if things get hard 🤍

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