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Summary:Nick has a boyfriend named Luke,they were doing a car video but then he received a text saying he wants to break up.


Thank you for the request mylifespurechaos

Chris's Pov
Today is another Car video,and we're doing a Q&A because we asked our fans to send us some Q&A questions and they did send us some in our group account and now Matt is reading one"Have any of you had any relationships in high school or college?"Matt said reading from his phone.

"Me and Matt didn't date someone in high-school or college,but Chris did he did have a relationship but it didn't end well."I heard Nick said and the two of them looked at me"Yeah,what Nick said is true i did have a girlfriend before but she cheated on me so yeah!"I said and smiled at the Camera.

Matt handed me the phone so i could read one"if given a chance would you risk your life for each other?"I said reading on my phone and then looked up"Well,yeah we're triplets and we wont be fine without each other.."Matt said and nodding towards the camera.

"Damn,this question is kinda weird tho.."Nick said and I looked at him and said"Just read it Nick.."I said and he sighed for a second before reading it"Do you wanna get married in the future?"Nick said with a weird expression on his face"I don't know about this two, but for me no it isn't in my plans yet.."I said and we answered more questions.

Nick's Pov
Me,Matt,Chris we're doing a Q&A question from our fans and some of the questions are weird"For Nick,if ever one day you need to get separated from you're brothers will you be ready?"Matt said and looked at me"Well,ever since birth i have never been separated from this two kids, i don't think i Will survive if i will be separated from my two brothers."I said truthfully.

If i'm being honest, i know that in some point of the day we have to be separated but I can't.I can't live without them.Matt and Chris are like my world—our bond is unbreakable.Sometimes we argue but that's normal between siblings.I smiled at them and they smiled at me back.

Halfway through the video,i heard my phone ringing and a smile went up to my face it was my boyfriend Luke.But I immediately took my phone to text him that we were filming.

Sorry,love me and my brothers are filming today i'll call you later after we film luv ya<3

"Oooh,Nick who was that trying to call you in the middle of the Video?"Chris teased me and i blushed"Shut up Chris"I said and we went back to the video.A minute later i saw my phone lights up and i immediately knew that that was Luke replying to my messages.

We need to talk.

My face scrunched up and my brain has so many negative thoughts about him,is he okay? Did something happened to him? I push those thoughts away and replied to him.

Are you okay love? Is there something wrong?

I cant help but think did something happen to him? Ugh,i just put my focus myself on the video not until a minute later my phone lights up again and it was Luke again.

Nothing is wrong,We just need to talk Nick.

Um..okay what is it?

Just give me time to type it because i cant say it in person.

Nick,he never called me by my name and that one message got me nervous sends nervousness's in my body. I was so deep in space i didn't notice my brothers calling me"Nick?Earth to Nick!!"Chris said and snapped his fingers at me and it bought me back to reality.

"W-what? Is everything okay?"I asked a bit distracted since I've already been distracted by my boyfriend scaring me"Everything is OKAY,but are you okay? You've spaced out for a minute!"Matt asked."Y-yeah,i'm fine.."I said and smiled and i tried focusing on the video.

I think 15 minutes into the video i saw my phone lights up and i picked it up with my hands shaking.i saw that he typed a long ass message and i felt my eyes getting glossy having an idea what that is.I pressed his name and reads his essay message.

Listen,We have so many memories together;you were my first love and i was glad that you helped me come out to myself, but i lost feelings for you;i keep asking myself how can i lose feelings for my first love? But it just happened, i'm sorry Nick you deserve someone better than me, thank you for the 1year relationship you've given me I couldn't be more happy but i'm really sorry;lets end this relationship i hope the best for you! I love you one last time!Goodbye!

I was so shocked and I couldn't move, my heart broke into pieces and i felt my tears falling down my eyes.I dropped my phone which caught my brothers attention.

Matt's Pov
Me and Chris talking about some questions fans asked us when we heard something fall from the back like a phone falling, we looked at Nick who has tears in his eyes me and Chris looked at each other.

"Nick, what happened are you okay?"I gently touched his legs to calm him down incase he wants to talk, but to no avail he didn't talk to us.That's when i saw his phone on the ground it was opened to messages.I picked up his phone and read the messages and my face fell and got shocked.

Chris also got shocked i guess he was reading with me"Oh,honey i'm so sorry.."I said rubbing his legs while Chris went and turned of the Camera"A-am i not good enough Matty,Chrissy?"He said voice breaking.Our heart's breaking seeing him this broken and in pain.

"No,sweetie you are more than enough! It's his fault for leaving someone like you!I'm so sorry honey i know you truly loved him.."Chris said softly i know that he wants to cry but he's just being strong for his brother"C-can we just go home?"Nick said i nodded
And drove us home.

Chris's Pov
When we arrived home Nick went straight to his room before we can talk to him.I went inside and sat on the couch and i feel bad for my brother he doesn't deserve this.He truly loved Luke with all his heart and Luke just broke his heart.

I-i feel tears coming out of my eyes, but i tried to control them i have to be strong for Nick.I know that Nick is heart broken and in pain right now.But I can't help but cry in his situation.I didn't notice that Matt hugged me i only noticed when he cupped my face.

"Shh, don't cry Chrissy he'll be okay alright? Lets go up to his room and check him hm?"Matt said and i nodded and we went to Nick's room.We went inside his room and saw him under the blanket crying it made my heart broke more into pieces.

Matt sat on the other side of the bed, and i sat on the right side of the bed.I removed his blanket and pulled him in a tight hug where he sobbed uncontrollably on my chest"Shh,shh it's fine Nicky you'll be okay soon.."I said voice breaking.He is still crying in my chest"I-i love him,i-its hard for me to move on."He said while he gripped my shirt and cried.

I lifted his face from my chest and wiped his tears"I know love but you will be able to move on Me and Matt will help you okay?"He nodded and he hugged me tight.I rubbed his back and said to let it all out.While he was crying on my chest i couldn't stop the tears for real this time.

Matt went to us and hugged us both"Shh,stop crying you two come on lets go watch a movie hm?"Matt said and we nodded.We went to the living room Nick Sat in between us.I wrapped my arms around his waist and Matt layed his head on his chest.

With me and Matt's help Nick will be okay soon..

The end!!

Hope you like this!!

Counted words:1458

Thank you
-Your lovely

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