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She closed her eyes as if she'd never be able to open them again. Then she took a deep breath just so that she could calm herself down. Taking a step forward, she saw that the world around her was turning just as she was the sun. She was hesitant but was sure that this was the last time. She wasn't so sad because she also was aware of the fact that to start something, you also have to stop something else...

                               Chapter 1


As I make my way into my apartment I take a deep breath, grateful that I made it home after this long and tiring day. I get a little frustrated as I get a message from someone 'cause I'm literally going to pass out. It's from Ridge.

"Hey, sweetie. I missed you. If you're home I can come by. I am close to your apartment.

Rejecting him right now could be a little rude but I have no power to even open my eyelids so I'm just gonna sleep. I say a pink lie.

"Oh, sweetie I missed you too. Is it okay if we meet tomorrow? I have a lot of errands to run rn."

"Okay. See you tomorrow. I love you."

"Love you too."

Just as I close my phone I sleep.


As I open my eyes to greet the sun I realize a body next to me that oozes heat and remember that she was the girl from the last night. What was her name? Margot, Tate, Sydney, Lilly. God, I can't even remember the first letter. But then I remember that we didn't have the part of knowing each other well enough to have a clue about each other. Sometimes I  feel like a jerk when I don't have any idea about the girl lying next to me. But the fact that the girl next to me also has no clue about anything comforts me a little. I get on my feet and make sure that she's still asleep 'cause I hate that morning conversation with a stranger.

It's 8.50 a.m. and I'm 50 minutes late to work. Well, it's not that much of a big deal for me since I am kinda the boss which is what working in your mother's company brings you as a pros. As I make my way out of that stranger's apartment I realize that my hair is unkempt, and my clothes are sweaty and crumpled and decide to go home before I go to work, because I can't lose my charismatic features just because I have to be at work.

This tiredness is driving me up to walls. Like some vampire is sucking me gradually till I have no blood left in my veins. And what's worse is that I got a message from some unknown number saying that Ridge is cheating on me. I don't know if I should believe that but I'll understand soon. I instantly type a message to Ridge:

"Morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?"

3 minutes later he types:

"Hey babe. I slept like a baby. What about you?"

"Umm...I'm okay. About to head to work. We can do something after work."

Alright. See you after work."

"See you."

Well, I've known Ridge for 3 years. For 1 year we were just friends. But when he asked me out I just realized that I have some feelings for him and decided to give it a try and here we are. Next week today is going to be our 2nd anniversary and I was actually planning to surprise him but right now I'm inclined to believe that stranger who texted me 'cause I am also smelling a rat out of his actions.

I get dressed, do my hair, take my handbag, and leave my house. I genuinely feel so lucky that I'm able to afford anything I want since both of my parents died when I was only an 11-year-old kid. After the death of my parents I was forced to stay in an orphanage and living here for 2 years made me realize that there was only one way I could get my freedom. And after that realization, everything appeared way easier for me to get over.'Cause I know that studying and getting into a college with my effort will make this world seem much more meaningful than it ever seemed to me. I always wanted to be a doctor after the death of my parents, seeing their pale faces and being able to do nothing was so hurtful and until then I never knew a heart could tear itself up. That was the moment I fully decided to be a doctor.(which I couldn't eventually ) My mother was a comely, pretty woman. I always admired her beauty, her kindness, her warm embrace, and everything she's done for me.

On the other hand, my dad was a pathological alcoholic. I always questioned why would that pretty woman marry that alcoholic man who cared nothing but his liquors. Of course, I loved him as much as my heart could do as a father but I don't think he's a loveable human as a person. I wish everything could be different but that's nothing but just a hope that also ceased with that car accident.

Getting a little emotional in my car, I work the engine and get the car out of the parking lot. Anytime I'm near to a car those thoughts choke me. I try to still my shaking hands and focus on my meeting which is extremely important for my upgrade in the company. I hope it goes well...


Oh, good God. I am such an idiot. How in the hell I forgot to take my fucking keys with me?! As I drown in those frustrated thoughts about myself, I realize that my neighbor could help me with that.

I walk toward the number 1432. Her name is Cassie and we had a really good night about 3 months ago so I don't think she would reject me. I knock on the door.

"Wassup Cassie?"

"Well, I'm good. What brings you here again? I thought it was just a one-night stand. Did you miss me?"

"Well, it's impossible to forget you, Cassie. But I'm here to ask you for a favor. Can I use your shower? Because I just can't enter my apartment since I'm an idiot for forgetting to take my keys with me."

"Yeah, of course. My roommate is not here right now so you can be comfortable taking a shower in my bathroom. And I also missed you."

I grin and directly head to the bathroom after I give a thanks kiss to Cassie.

My eyes widen as I notice that I forgot to take the file that is the most needed thing for this meeting. It's 9.30 am and the meeting is at 10.00 am. I have no other choice than to take it from home. Because being late is better than lacking that file. So I headed to my apartment right away.

I take off my clothes, get into the shower cabinet, and take a quick shower as fast as I can. As I get out of the shower I hear the outside door open. I think Cassie's roommate came, I reckon. I put the same clothes on since I have no other clothes with me. As I make my way into the hallway I see a girl staring at me as if I'm an alien which is kinda normal 'cause it must be weird to see a stranger standing in your hallway in a half-naked state. She must be Cassie's roommate. She has big emerald eyes that are like a mixture of shades of green and blue. Her hair is light red which matches her beautiful eyes. Well, I'm a little impressed...

What the hell! Who's that boy standing in the middle of my apartment?  Well, he also lacks a T-shirt. I immediately ask him who the fuck he is and the only thing he says and does is grinning me and say "Hey".I repeat the question and he says he's one of my friends of Cassie and that he just wanted to take a shower since he can't enter his apartment.

"Well, okay. I just forgot that I was living with Cassie for a second. Of course, you're one of her friends. And it seems like you took a shower, now you can leave."

"Ummm.....yeah, yeah, you're right. I was already about to leave. Happy to meet you though. See you."

"Okay. See you."

He leaves and I question why would I want to see him again.

Man, this girl is so cute. I can say that I'm a little mesmerized by her beauty and especially by her emerald eyes.

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