★ - chapter two (jancy)

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TW : mentions of drugs and drug use

(a few minutes ago - jonathan's perspective)

i followed nancy into her bedroom and we sat down on her bed, talking about stupid things until we laughed and started to kiss, it was fun at first. we were just making out as we rolled around on her bed.

she started to take my jacket off and a joint fell out of my pocket. she picked it up and held it in front of my face.
'what's this?' she asked with an annoyed tone.
i snatched it back 'what?' i tried not to sound annoyed but i knew i did.

'seriously jonathan? just get out, leave. get out of my face.' nancy threw my jacket and joint at me as she pushed me out of her door

'nancy wait, just listen i can explain!' i kind of yelled and whined at the same time.
'go on! explain it then' she put her hand on her hip and the other one still kind of shoving me away.
'i'm trying to stop - it's just hard but i'm trying i swear !' she stopped pushing me away while i spoke but looked even more annoyed by the second
'then get back to me when you do' she slammed her door shut in my face as i stood outside her door putting my jacket on.

will and mike walked out to see what was going on
wills walked up to me and asked me if i was okay
'yeah. i'm fine - i'm just leaving'
i let him know he didn't need to worry before i left. i know he saw the joint in my hand though and i'm pretty sure he'd work it out soon enough.

— at the byers-hopper cabin
he walked back ————-—

everyone was asleep or off doing their own things now argyle was just laying on the floor of the living room where our bed was.
'hey man, why you home so late?' i wasn't sure if he was high but i sat down next to him

'just decided to walk instead so that took a bit of time - can we go walk outside?' i asked and we got up and walked outside with our bags.

'so man, what's up? somethings going on' he looked at me and asked me the second we left the cabin.
'nancy and me - we had a fight' i lit a joint and started to smoke it.

'woah not cool - you alright man?' he looked at me before copying me and we started to talk.

a few hours later — they're at an old park

'you know this is weird' i looked at him
we were both kind of high by now

'what is?' i replied

we were sitting on the spinny thing next to each other - it had a seat and the wind was making it move around a bit.

'well this park it's old but why does nobody go here' we both talked about it for a bit started laughing over some stupid thing

i loved spending time with argyle - he was nice and he understood me, i could tell him everything, a lot of the time he wouldn't remember because he was too high to understand but at-least i can tell him.

i wish nancy would understand why i'm like this.

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