600 Year Cycle of the Prophets

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In this section, historical analysis is made regardless of religious belief. Please think again before reading as there are information that may contradict your belief!

While talking about the monotheistic religions, we mentioned the legendary Prophet Zoroaster, who laid the foundation of the monotheistic religion in the Middle East. Without knowing Zoroaster, it is impossible to understand how the culture of revelation in the Middle East emerged and how it differed from the oracle.

1. Zarathustra: 628-551 BC

2. Jesus: 4-0 C - 30-33 AC

3. Muhammad: 571-632 AC

Is it a coincidence that there are approximately 550-600 years between the time when the three known religious leaders, whose followers still exist today, and who claimed to have received revelations in the Middle East, caused their followers to gather around them?

The fact that the Prophet of Islam (Hz) said that Muhammad was the last Prophet sent by his God, putting an end to the acceptance of people since 600 BC, did not prevent those who call themselves 'the Prophet' today.

Nevertheless, it would not be wrong to say that this statement of the Prophet Muhammad caused people to doubt the sincerity of the 'New Prophets'. In other words, the Prophet of Islam was instrumental in shelving a tradition of about 1200 years.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who showed humility by not calling himself 'Son of God', always referred to himself as 'The Messenger of Allah', 'The Messenger of God', which he believed in, and proceeded in a line similar to Zoroastrianism, preserving his human side.

Those who read the 'Bible' will have no trouble seeing the reformist Jesus, who is actually trying to correct some practices in the Jewish religion and defying the existing order. (God) does not call himself 'God' as was thought in Jesus.

"No one knows about that day or hour: neither the angels of the sky nor the Son. Only Father knows. ''

As can be seen in the statement from Matthew 36-44, Jesus does not claim to be God and is quoted as someone who refers to God as 'Father' and 'Son'.

Since the books were already dead when they were written, we know him by the narrations of the authors. There are many similar examples in the Bible.

"Truly I say to you, if a grain of wheat does not fall to the ground and die, it will be left alone. But if he dies, he will bring plenty of fruit''

John 12:24

1. Although the religion brought by Zoroaster was against the life of the palace, it became the basis of the understanding that guided the world of a period thanks to the Achaemenid Emperor Cyrus and his successors.

2. Nearly 300 years after the death of God Jesus, the new religion dominated the emperors who ruled them, thanks to the Roman Emperor Constantine and his successors.

3. The Arab tribes that Muhammad managed to gather under a single roof, while spreading their new religions in competition with each other, gave Islam its bright days.

As it is said in Bible, 'with the death of the grain of wheat, the fields yielded bountiful crops'.

At the heart of their Commonwealth is their attempt to warn the public, which has been corrupted by bad rulers. In general, the mission of religious leaders is to restore the degenerated segment of society to its former virtues and to regain the consciousness of unity.

"O Ahooramezda, everyone continues his life through knowledge and thought.

Will you always listen to these bad-minded tutorials? they hinder me

and they are blocking my way. You remove these barriers and give me success

Show me the way out for God...''

- Yasna 45 (Zoroastrian)

"Jesus entered the temple. He kicked out all those who shopped at the temple.

The tables of the money changers and the armchairs of those selling pigeons were turned upside down.

He turned to them and said, 'It is written in the Bible (reads a sentence from the Torah),

^My house will be called a house of prayer.

But you turned it into a bandit's bed.^''

-Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-19, Luke 19:45-48, John 2:13-22

''What do you have, how do you judge?

Or do you have a book of your own that you read in it?

Is it written in that book that "everything you like is yours"?

Otherwise, "whatever you judge is definitely yours".

given by us in your favor, Are there certain promises valid until the Day of Judgment?

Ask them, which of them is the guarantor for him? ...''

- Kur'an-ı Kerim, Kalem,36-40

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