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you're pov

you wake up to you're alarm going off ' you sit up in shock of kind of dream you just had , you grab you're phone right away texting bill


What y/n??

Is Tom okay?

Yes he is .. why??

Can I just come over please I'll tell you everything

Yes come over

Okay thank you bill cya!

You get dressed

You go out of you're room running downstairs, ahem where are you going!??you're mom stops you before you can exit the door

I'm going over to the twins house is that okay??

Yes it's fine sweetie be home before 10 love you!

Love you to mom bye!' you open the front door and run over to bills and toms house ' you knock about 3 times before someone answers ' bill answered the door

Hey y/n

You go up to him and hug him , can we talk please?? ' you let go of the hug '
Yeah..cmon let's go to my room' you closed the door behind you following bill to his room '

What is it? Why do you look so worried? ' bill creases you're cheek with his hand '

I had this bad dream , like it was horrible!' you think of you're dream wiping away you're tears '
Tell me about it.' you and bill sit down on his bed '
Okay..well uhm at first I think we were at a party , Tom said he was throwing a party and I came and me and you were talking and I went to go find Tom but then some random dude stared touching me so I hit him and then he grabbed my wrist pinning me to a wall trying to kiss me so I kicked him and I saw Tom ...then he was mad so I asked him what was wrong and then he just bursted started calling me a slut and a whore.. ' bill face goes blank ' and then I left the party
and there was this car following me so I tried to get away but they grabbed me and took me to the woods and ' you sheed a couple of tears ' then they r@ped me and said if I told anyone they'd kill me..then later on he let me go I called u and I talked to you..about it and..then Tom got mad and then he dropped us off here and went to the guys home and started to beat him up and then we all ran back here and the cops showed up and I lied telling them it was me ...saying I beat the guy up so Tom wouldn't go to jail..and then t-they shot Tom..and then after that I woke up ' you finally were done talking catching you're breath from talking fast '

Oh..shit uhm y/n..that's a horrible dream, but uhm y/n can I tell you smt??


The part when u got r@ped and Tom got mad at u..I'm sorry but that wasn't a dream that was real '

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