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23rd of September 2020

Gracie watched the videos Morgan uploaded to her story, whilst she was sat at home. It was Morgans 21st birthday, she was out happy and half-drunk, which is something Gracie hated.

She pulled up Morgans contact, inches away from pressing the call button but immediately stopped herself. Ever since she called the break on you two, she didn't know whether or not she should reach out. Just to wish a simple, 'happy birthday'.

24th of September 2020

The next day, Gracie decided to make her way back to Morgans apartment, which was once their own. Feeling anxious, Gracie knocked on Morgans door and awaited for her to open up.

A messy version of Morgan opens the door up, a shocked expression strikes her face as she squints her eyes, adjusting to the light.

"Gracie I... um... hi.." Morgan stumbles over her words as she takes in the fact that her 'sort of' girlfriend who walked away a month ago is stood at her door step.

"I uh... I just wanted to say I'm sorry. And.. if I were you, I would blame me. For all this mess I caused. Um..." Gracie stops her sentence as she bites her tongue. Not wanting to say anymore, especially with that look Morgan held in her eyes.

"What are you doing here Gracie?" Morgan asks. Even after listening to that short and random apology, Morgan was tired and just wanted to know what kind of game Gracie was playing here.

"I'm sorry, I just... I get so alone sometimes and I keep missing you and I know that's my fault-"

"Yeah, it is your fault. I thought you were the love of my life but I guess that was just all in my head... I mean, what even happened?" Morgan asks, a hint of anger laced in her voice. She stares down at Gracie expectedly.

"Audrey messaged saying she saw you out passed twelve o'clock-" Gracie starts trying to change the subject but Morgan caught on.

"And that means what? Just because you're hurting, that doesn't mean I'm not! You left me! You walked out! Why?" Morgan so desperately asked.

Flashes of what happened that morning come across Gracie's thoughts as she stands there, dumbfounded.

Minor - Gracie Abrams Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ