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If you're going to kill a cat or their family, you have to ask first.

Don't make a prophecy about yourself without asking permission, it may ruin the game. I'll only let a few people in each Clan (or group) have prophecies about themselves.

Rogues, loners, and kitty-pets are perfectly fine, but don't make all your kitty-pet, rogues, or loners join the Clans.

SkyClan "daylight warriors" are allowed, and I think you guys should be them!

There can be two medicine cats in each Clan, but there has to be an explanation. For example, there's a full-grown apprentice that sometimes serves as the actual medicine cat.

No human cussing, but cat cussing is okay. Also, "dam" is okay if you mean a beaver dam, but if you mean the cuss word damn, then it's not okay.

You can't be a twoleg, fox, badger, or any other animal, as none of them can communicate with the cats except Midnight, who was magical anyway and shouldn't count.

You can be a StarClan cat from the start! Just make sure you list how you died in your backstory.

Please don't do love triangles. Also, ask permission if you want your cat to love another person's cat.

This is only for RP, unless you have a question I can answer. If you do, maybe just go to my message board, as that won't ruin the RP for everyone else.

If you want your cat to have powers, make sure it's realistic. I don't except flying, breathing underwater, or teleporting. Not even telepathy, because it might make a big secret another person's OC can't let get out get out, and that wouldn't be fun for that person, and likely the rest of the role-play.

Realistic names. No Glittersparkle or Butterflyface, please. (Or Angelwing, or Glitchedstar, or Dragondrop...it goes on and on.)

DO. NOT. RAPE. This is 100% illegal in my roleplay, and if you do it, I will block you and kick you from the roleplay. I will.

Don't do the whole "getting-pregnant" thing on camera—or in the comments section—because there may be younger kids here.

Thank you for RPing!

Warriors RpOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora