Chapter One

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One cold October morning, with white frost replacing the early dew on the streets, a crowd forms. News anchors with preppy overcoats, camera men carry heavy, bulky equipment. The cloudy, dull skies alarm the entourage for chances of rain as they all converse. Looking to the pedestal where microphones are placed from multiple companies.

Standing next to the van with the letters GN detailed on. The makeup crew applies the final details to my face. Powdering my cheeks with a light pink blush and pushing on my lashes as I blink for mascara. I wore dark blue jeans with a grey shirt tucked firmly into place. Over top the tee-shirt is a matte black leather jacket with zippers on the sleeves. To accessorize, a gold chained bracelet to match the gold necklace with a bird shape charm, my boyfriend, Dick gifted me for our anniversary, last year. 

I observe the the large number of people in front. Waiting for the Commissioner's press conference. As I scan the atmosphere, I figure waltz passed the adoring crowd. In his tan coat with a dark fedora type of a hat. I shoo the makeup artist off me. Reaching for my microphone, I instruct the camera man to follow me. I prevent Jim Gordon from moving further and away from the group, I fire a question at him. "Commissioner, a word before you go out?" He sighs, annoyed, "Carter, you will have to wait just like everyone else." He passes by but is stopped yet again by my more difficult ponder. 

"You and the GCPD deny having any affiliations with the Batman. So, why hold a press conference about said vigilante?" I point the microphone to the officer. "Batman has helped Gotham in many ways. He's taken in more criminals than I can account for. He's a win in my book." I rebate, "Yes, but vigilantism is illegal, is it not? He is a criminal like the rest. What gives him special treatment?" I question. "He has cleaned up the city." 

Remaining professional, "By breaking citizens bones? Interfering with police business? It sounds like more paperwork for your men whilst he takes credit for the unsavory demise of injured people." He leans in, "This conversation is over. You wait like the rest." He exits our chat as I motion to pause the cameras. Needless to say, Jim was not a fan of my work on Gotham News. I always covered the crime and vigilante topics. Gordon was always the first I'd seek out to learn more. Although, he never gave me much on account of him siding with the crusaders.

I squeeze passed the line of reporters, my camera guy following behind. I admit my need for the story makes me seem standoff-ish but I mean well. Besides, this career is not for the light hearted. Up front, right to the podium, Jim taps the center microphone, gaining the people's attention as the commotion dies down. "Hello, people of Gotham. I came here today to address the rumors relating to Batman. Now, as you may have heard, Batman is rumored to be missing. Those allegations are in fact true." Silent gasps and shock is shared through the crowd. 

"Although, vigilantes are indeed illegal, we would not be here without the Bat or any of his allies." Questions flood in. News people talking over one another. One blurts out, "What happened to Batman?" Jim then hesitates, "We... don't know. Batman was known for his warnings and heeded calls to me and my department. So, it is unusual if something is going on, he hasn't reported that to us." Another speaks over, "Is Gotham safe?" Immediately, "You have my word, the GCPD will keep our city safe. No low-life criminal or street punk can deny that, as they are the ones who drop like flies daily. Our boys in blue will stop any and all who threaten our life." 

"Yes, but the only reason these street punks do as they have been is because there is a lack of punishment to these vigilantes breaking the law. They only set examples to break the law, not fix it, Commissioner. I understand, they have helped this city, but half our criminals wouldn't attempt assaults if not for the Batman." Jim sighs, I contest to his statement. "Everyday citizens get caught in the cross fire between crazed lunatics and the theatricality of the Dark Knight and his sidekicks. Tell me Commissioner, how many civilians have died at the hands of the Bat?" 

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