Sun And Moon

19 1 0

The sun shines bright in the sky,
And it brings happiness in a surplus supply.
The sun makes people play.
The sun stays in place.
The universe worships the sun.
The sun brings life.

The moon shines bright in the sky.
But the moon needs the sun.
The moon means darkness, cold and bitter.
But the moon needs the sun.
The moon makes people sleep.
But the moon needs the sun.
The moon spins endlessly.
But the moon needs the sun.
Everyone hates the moon.
So the moon needs the sun.
The moon brings death.
So the moon needs the sun.

The moon needs the sun.
The moon is night's sun.
The moon loves the sun.
The moon is hardly holding on.

The sun likes the moon.
The sun is day's moon.
The sun believes it loves the moon.
The sun is big and proud.

But the moon needs the sun.
The moon needs the sun to shine.
The moon needs the sun to turn.
The moon needs the sun to be.
The moon needs the sun to bring dark.
The moon needs the sun.

Kinda like I need you.

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