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  Ok, so I know so of you are probably sad that this isn't an update, but I need to tell you some important info.

  For starters, these characters' lives are different from the people they are based on. When I said that this was based on our lives, I mean that these characters will experience: friendships, mental struggles, feelings, thoughts, parties, and so much more. These characters are based off fears, hopes, dreams, stories, past experiences, so on so forth. I hope this makes sense because I know that I'm terrible at explaining, lol. But to summarize, these characters are different from my friends, and I so don't get worried about us too much. Our lives are shit and we deal with a lot of the same stuff as these guys, but we know how it all works. And honestly, we're fine living life with a short straw.

  All done and said, if you have question(s), ask away! I'm happy to answer them. You can DM or comment.

  Stay safe, and get some food and water! I'll be updating a real chapter soon, i promise :)


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