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When I woke up, my head was pounding. I looked around and was in the nurse's office. I sighed. How long was I out for?

I took a moment to fully wake up before I sat up. I immediately felt my stomach ache and groaned. Before I could get up, the curtain flew open.

"You're finally awake?"

It was him.

"What do you want now?" I said. Obviously the silent treatment hadn't worked earlier.

"Nothing much. Just a little gratitude for carrying you all the way here."

"Very funny. Anyone could've done that." I stood up and checked my pockets for my phone. But it wasn't there.

"Where's my phone?" I glared at him. He smirked.

"Oh, what? This? This is mine." He held up my phone. I went to grab it but he was fast. He shoved it in his pocket and turned around.

"Give it back."

"Why? I don't think I want to?"

I had a massive headache and wasn't in the mood for his nonsense. I stepped closer.

"If you want it back so bad then come and get it." He started walking away and I couldn't believe it. I had no choice but to follow. When he started speeding up, I ran at him. I quickly put my hands into his pockets and dug around. He was surprised.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He tried to take my hands out of his pockets but I didn't let him.

"Give me my phone."

"No. Get off."

"No. As long as you have my phone, I'll keep my hands right here." I looked up at him, determined.

"Fine. I can stand here all afternoon. Can you? Mr. Lee is waiting for you. Remember?" He looked at me with his stupid smug face and I was going to take my hands out of his pockets when I remembered something my friend told me. If I'm at a disadvantage, then it's best to catch them by surprise. There's nothing more surprising then getting pantsed.

I quickly pulled his pants down to his ankles and stood up, grabbing my phone from his grip. And I ran. As fast as I could to Mr. Lee's room.

I arrived, breathing heavily.

"Oh, y/n? You're still here?"

"Yeah. I have detention."

"Don't worry about it. I didn't give you detention. I asked Yoongi to tell you when you woke up."

"Oh. He didn't tell me."

"That's strange. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow. Be here on time, okay?"


I walked out of his classroom and looked at the time. It was well past 3. I had been out for the whole day.

I looked around and there wasn't any sign of Yoongi. I quickly made it to my locker and grabbed all of my things, anxious to leave school. I made it pretty far before there was an arm around my shoulder.

"Keep walking."

I did. I was almost to my house before he said something.

"You must think you're funny, huh?"

I didn't say anything. Or look at him. He didn't say anything else either. We kept walking. I didn't want to take him to my house but he wouldn't leave and it was getting late. I didn't want to have to circle around the neighborhood later either.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just keep walking. You'll see."

I kept going but let him make any turns. We were getting too close to my house. Eventually, it was in sight and I could see my parents in the driveway, packing for another stupid business trip.

There was nowhere for me to hide so I hoped they wouldn't notice us walk past. But that was wishful thinking.

"Hey y/n! Is this your friend?"

"Oh, um. Yeah." I looked up at Yoongi, who seemed satisfied by my answer.

"Me and your mom are going on a business trip to Jeju. On the way back we'll be visiting your sister at college."

"That's cool. Are you staying for dinner?"

"Oh, you know your mother. She wants to be extra early for our flight tonight. What about you? Are you going out somewhere tonight?"

"I was actually going to ask you if I could borrow her this evening." Yoongi said and smiled. My dad smiled back at him, unknowingly.

"Of course. You two have fun. Call us when you get back, okay?"

I nodded and Yoongi guided me further down the road. Once we were out of earshot, he spoke.

"I didn't know this was your house. Good to know." He smirked.

"Where are we going?" I asked again.

"This way and...... we're here!"

I looked around but there wasn't much to see. It was an area under a bridge where kids liked to hang out. He let go of me and reached into his sweater, taking out a cigarette and a lighter.

"Take your shirt off." He said as he lit his cigarette.


"You heard me."

"I don't want to."

He looked at me and snickered.

"I don't remember asking if you wanted to. Take it off."


He didn't like that answer. He took his sweater off, leaving it on ground, before walking closer to me. I walked back until I was up against a wall. He didn't give me any room. He brought his hands up and started undoing the top button on my shirt. I grabbed his arms, stopping him. He glanced up at me for a moment before yanking my shirt open.

I gasped and he stepped back slightly, looking. I tried to close my shirt with my hands but he pulled it off of me and threw it into the small stream just below us. I stood there in disbelief. He stepped closer.

"That was for not having my money this morning. And this is for dropping my pants in the hall." He took his cigarette and put it against my chest, right where my heart is.

I screamed in pain and tried pushing him back. He finally backed off and I looked down at my chest, now marked with a small circular burn. I felt the tears in my eyes and couldn't hold them back. I cried and looked up at Yoongi. He only lit another one and stared at me.

"Don't fuck with me,"  was all he said before he walked away.

I stood there crying for a few minutes but realized the sun was setting and wanted to get home soon. My shirt was gone and I hadn't brought a jacket to school. I thought I was totally screwed until I saw his sweater, still lying on the ground. I didn't want to put anything of his on my body but there was no other option. I quickly grabbed it and put it on. It reeked of him.

I quickly got out of there and ran home. My parents were already gone. I went into the bathroom and pulled his sweater off, throwing it in the trash.

I looked at the burn and winced. It looked bad. I quickly grabbed a clean towel and soaked it in some cold water. I took a deep breath and rubbed the burn with the wet towel. I choked back a sob and cleaned it up quickly, bandaging it up.

Once that was done, I looked at myself for a long time. And I realized that with my parents gone, there was no one to tell me to go to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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