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Christine slide into the center of the rink, taking deep breaths as she prepared for another grueling workout.

"Angel?" She called out softly, still embarrassed and uncomfortable with the coaching arrangement.

"It is good to see you are on time today Christine. How did you enjoy your friends match? You seemed pretty enraptured by it." The voice came from nowhere.

"You were there?" Christine questioned, confused.

"I am an angel. I am everywhere." He laughed.

"Oh." Christine muttered, hiding her discomfort with such a prospect; him being everywhere meant that was always watching her. She had always been taught that God and guardian angels were constantly watching over a person, and while they had been merely an invisible protecting force, she had been comfortable with it. Now that she was confronted with its reality, having this faithful belief humanised, she was slightly perturbed by it. She assured herself that his revelations would help her, not just in skating, but help her to be a better person now that she knew he could be watching.With this, the lesson began. Christine had thought that her training would get easier from the struggle that was her first lesson, however the Angel had proved her wrong. It was quickly revealed to Christine that the Angel was a stern and demanding teacher, criticising everything she did, right down to the way she had tied her laces. Christine felt as though she had gotten whiplash from the stark contrast in teaching methods from her last lesson. She had theorised that the change was due to either the angel not wanting to scare her away on her first lesson or that he was trying to ease her in to the lesson, and if it was the later, he had failed miserably.Christine felt herself slip a little as she came out of her split spin and somehow managed to catch herself before falling, despite her world whirling around her, due to having to repeat the split spin for what felt like the 50th time.

"We must stop here tonight Christine, you are clearly tired and at this point your more likely to hurt herself than improve" The Angel sighed Christine slowly skated to the edge of the rink in order to minimise the pain that radiated from her legs with every movement. Removing her skates, she picked up her phone which revealed that they had gone for over an hour and a half without her even having a break. She was genuinely confused why the Angel had sounded disappointed with their lesson, she had improved, even if it was just a little bit, already and she had managed for so long before getting tired. Had he forgotten that she had human limitations? That it was normal to make the same mistake occasionally and to get tired after hard work? Christine was beginning to question if having an angel as a coach was the best idea after all.

"Christine?" The angel called as she began packing up her belongings.

"Yes?" She responded. There was a moment of silence before the angel continued, making Christine wonder if the angel had hesitated.

"Your improvement today was... satisfactory. However, if we are to attain the heights for which I know you are destined, then we will need to have to meet more than just once a week." Christine breathed in sharply. Did he know her future? Was the destined "heights" that he talked of really a career in Ice skating? Attempting to avoid the possibility of future disappointment, she tried not to think that it could also mean fame for her skating, but the unholy desire griped her heart and hopes.

"Y-Yes." She finally was able to gather her thoughts enough to respond. "I can also do Tuesdays, if that is good for you?"


"Chris!" Meg squealed as she came barreling towards her.

"Save your energy for when your inside the gym." Christine laughed as she hugged her friend. "Congrats on wining your grand finals! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it."

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