Darkness Rising: Part 1

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Author: Should have mentioned this earlier, but the love interest is Arcee.

As the scene opens up, we are greeted with an orange and pink sky with birds singing their songs. The camera pans down to an old dirt road with fences lining the side of it. Suddenly, a red Dodge Challenger speeds down the road. This is the Autobot known as Cliffjumper.

Cliffjumper: So there I am on the lookout when out of nowhere these high beams light up my rear view. And then it hits me, I'm illegally parked!

Somewhere else, a blue Aprilia RSV 1000 R is racing down a road in a desert. On top of the motorcycle is a "person". This is the Autobot known as Arcee.

Arcee: Another parking ticket?

Cliffjumper(COM): Even better, the boot!

Arcee: Big metal tire clamp, impossible to remove.

Scene swaps back to Cliffjumper

Cliffjumper: Bingo! So the local police do their thing. I let them get all the way down the block, that's when I kick off my new shiny shoe and, BANG!

Arcee(COM) New York's finest soil themselves.

Cliffjumper: You know me Arcee, mess with Cliffjumper-

Arcee(COM): And you get the horns.

Cliffjumper: Hehahaha!

Scene swaps again to Arcee.

Arcee: Not sure how that complies with Autobot rule number 1: Keep a low profile.

Scene swap again.

Cliffjumper: What can I say? Patrolling for energon out here in Dullsville can get lonesome. Almost makes me miss the Decepticons.

Again. Scene swap.

Arcee: Like Jasper, Nevada's a party?

Scene swap once more!

Arcee(COM): We're alone wherever we travel on this rock, Cliff.

All of the sudden, the screen in Cliffjumper's alt mode pings.

Cliffjumper: I'm getting a signal.

Radio static starts blaring as Cliffjumper and Arcee wince at the noise.

Cliffjumper: Alright Y/n! I get it! Thank you.

The radio static stops as a beeping sound is then heard. Meanwhile at a quarry, a (favorite color) M2A3 Bradley is seen hidden away in some rocks. This is the Ex-Decepticon, now Autobot, Y/n.

Arcee(COM): Do you guys need backup?

Cliffjumper: Do I ever need backup? Besides, Y/n is already there. We should be be good.

Cliffjumper took a sharp left and drove down a road leading to an energon quarry. Right beside him, Y/n pulled up to him in his alt mode. The missile launcher on the side of his turret ready for combat.

Cliffjumper: Y/n here just found a whole lot of energon!

Above the 2 Autobots a large shadow could be seen, Cliffjumper was the first to transform into his normal form. Soon to follow was Y/n.

Cliffjumper: Decepticons!

The Decepticon ship known as the Nemesis opened fire on the Autobots. Sending the both of them into the quarry. Cliffjumper landed in a energon cluster as Y/n nearly got impaled by a piece of energon.

The both of them looked up at the Decepticon warship as a group of vehicons dropped down from it.

Cliffjumper: Arcee, about that backup.

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