002 | sarcastic

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trigger warnings !!

slight fear of abandonment (blink and you will miss it), and teenage pregnancy


oh, my baby | tim drake002 | sarcasticfrancis forever | mitski


"You're what?"

"You're pregnant?!"

All you could hear were those words. Vanessa and Tim watched Bruce who had not said a single word.

"Yes Vanessa is pregnant. We had Leslie confirm it." Was all Tim could say. Vanessa and Tim were both shocked. They had no idea how to react. Bruce hadn't moved or said anything since they spoke for the first time.

Bruce finally let out a deep sigh and said, "Well, congratulations. I'm sure you two will be great parents." He gave them a false smile and left the room.

"That was sarcasm right?" Jason whispered to Stephanie who was smiling brightly till that point now disappointed in Bruce.

Vanessa cried. Bruce seemed sarcastic. Tim immediately put his arm around Vanessa and whispered in her ear that they would be great parents. That they weren't like their own parents.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it that way Tim" Dick tried to say before being hit in the arm by Jason.

Tim glared at Dick. "You don't know what it's like," he said before turning back to Vanessa and continuing to whisper comforting words. Vanessa's tears began to dry up as she nodded in agreement.

"Come on, let's get out of here for a bit." Tim said before he and Vanessa left the Manor.

Dick stood there, alone, in the silence of the Manor. He watched as the two of them left, feeling a mix of regret and guilt. He knew he had to do something to make it up to them. Bruce shouldn't have said that, and Dick has to fix it.

He knew he had to make things right. He had to make sure they knew Bruce still cared about them, no matter what happened. Whether they decided to keep the baby or not they had to know Bruce was there for them.

meanwhile across town

Tim and Vanessa walked around town. Discreetly checking out baby stores. They had a conversation about whether or not they would keep the baby and both decided that they would. Even though it's not an ideal time, they still love their baby. They hugged and a tear rolled down Vanessa's cheek. They were both scared of the unknown but they were determined to make it through together. They decided to dedicate their lives to providing the best life for their soon-to-be-born baby.

They left the store and held hands as they walked. They knew that their lives were about to change, but they were ready to embrace it. They were excited to start this new chapter in their lives. They smiled at the thought of what was to come. They were full of hope and anticipation for the future. Together, they could take on anything.

"I'm sure Bruce didn't mean what he said. He doesn't seem like the type of guy to do that." Tim tried to reassure Vanessa to go back to the manor.

Vanessa nodded, feeling a little more at ease. She grabbed Tim's hand and they started walking back to the manor. She was ready to take on whatever came her way.

As they walked back to the manor Vanessa had a thought. "What if we got our own place? It's just a thought, don't panic."

Tim nodded, still thinking.

"We could do a pros and cons list? I mean there would be a bunch of pros. Like Damian not starting anything with you, we would have our own space, we wouldn't be waking everyone up with the baby when it arrives." Vanessa kept rambling on about the pros and Tim made a decision.

"Let's do it." Tim smiled. "We can wait a couple months to find a place and then start moving in closer to the due date." Vanessa agreed with Tim. With that decided they headed back to the Manor. 


author's note !!

i hope you all enjoy :) more chapters will hopefully be coming out soon. the angst and most of the trigger warnings will be here shortly too so be aware !

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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