Chapter 1 - The Bombing

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Author's Note: Aaaand... behold! The next Sith mystery story! Well, sort of. xP

The first three are Among Us, Identity Crisis, and Nearsight Shadow. :) You don't need to read any of them, of course, but you might find them interesting anyway. ;)

I'd love to hear y'all's theories about who the Sith/Dark Sider is. :D

~ Amina Gila

He felt a disturbance in the Force a while before Cato Neimoidia. Going back there, period, was... almost jarring. Last time was at the very start of the war and Anakin was there with Obi-Wan and Mill Alibeth.

Now, he went there with Ahsoka and the boys.

They had to pull out of the battle, early on, so Anakin and Ahsoka could return to investigate the Temple bombing. The Council chose them, because they needed a non-Council member to investigate, as well as someone they trusted to get the job done right. And they have always been... good with people. Anakin knows things, can sense things, that most people can't. He doesn't fully understand the extent of his powers. Never has. Probably never will. It doesn't usually matter either way.

But the fact that the Temple was bombed scares him. It's shaken everyone, and Anakin can feel it. There was unrest after Cad Bane infiltrated the Temple, but nothing like this. He can't understand how it could have happened. Even Pong Krell, for as evil as he was, didn't dare to outright attack the Jedi Temple.

Not even Dooku has done that.

And there was a Jedi involved. That's what scares him the most. It's not just a rumor. Anakin knew it was true from the moment he returned to Coruscant. Ahsoka was stubborn about believing it, and she still is, even after Letta Turmond confirmed it.

"How can we know she was telling the truth?" Ahsoka demands, arms crossed.

Even years into the war, she's still so naïve. Too much so. Even at sixteen, and two and a half years of fighting, Ahsoka refuses to see so much of the galaxy. Obi-Wan is much the same way. It's – it's how most of the Jedi are, and yes, it's a flaw, because it blinds them to the galaxy beyond where people need them most, but he can't find it in himself to criticize her for it. She's... still young. She can learn. He sometimes wishes she didn't have to, that he could keep her safe from the world forever.

He's tried that. Many times. It only made her angry, so he... tried to stop. Somewhat. But Anakin will and can never stop trying to protect her, because he's her master and that's what he's supposed to do.

"Does it hurt to be too cautious?" Anakin asks. "It's more outlandish to believe no one was helping her."

And, Anakin knows, his emotions in this are clouding his judgment. Of course, they are. It would be true for any Jedi right now. Someone attacked their home.

It's like what happened in the battle of Kamino with the clones. That was... more personal than all the battles they've fought together.

Ahsoka huffs. "But which Jedi would do something like this? Ever? This is our home."

She's so fierce. Passionate. "There will always be Jedi who disappoint us, Ahsoka," Anakin tells her, tiredly. It's been two and a half years, but he still feels like he's in way over his head. He sees the Code in a way no one else does. Anakin can't accept it any other way, and it often feels like many other Jedi are... losing their way in their quest for victory, but it's not his place to tell them they're wrong. He cannot tell Ahsoka she's wrong for doing what most of the Jedi are. That would – it would be wrong. Out of line. "What matters is that there will always be those who chose the Light."

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