Chapter 2 - Running

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Author's Note: No, the framing in here is not identical to what happened in the CW for a whole bunch of reasons. Also, it's more fun this way. :)

~ Amina Gila

Anakin sprints into the hall, turning a corner sharply to see... clones lying on the floor? They're dead. He can feel it. But what really catches his attention is that it looks like it was done with a lightsaber.


The Dark Sider was just here, though why they were killing the clones right near Anakin's cell, he's not sure. Then again, this was where Letta was being held. Maybe they came back here for some reason. And maybe, if he can move fast enough, he'll catch them this time.

The Dark Sider is clearly here, considering the lightsaber wounds. Anakin stops only to get his own lightsaber – he doesn't want to, but he doesn't really have a choice, considering this is no doubt going to end in a fight – before taking off after.

They did a neat job, too, but he must be close on the trail. The wounds are fresh, and some of the clones are still dying, though their injuries are all fatal.

What Anakin suddenly isn't sure about, though, is how intentional this is. Is the Dark Sider intentionally leaving this trail right nearby him for something? Is this meant to be a trap? It's not as though Anakin has a choice but to follow it, though.

The Dark Sider is obviously carefully avoiding anywhere where the rioting is actually happening – Anakin can hear it close, and he wants to help the clones deal with it, but he needs to stay focused on this trail right now.

They're rapidly approaching the outside of the facility, and Anakin skids to a stop near the now open entrance. Clones are already everywhere outside, likely trying to control anyone who's already escaped the facility.

And he lost the trail. Again.

He can still sense traces of the Dark Side, though, so he sprints outside, trying to follow the elusive presence.

"There he is!" a voice yells from behind him, and Anakin turns sharply at the flare of danger in the Force, to see a group of clones preparing to fire at him.

"Wait –" he starts to protest, but they start shooting.

Live rounds.

He dodges out of the way, instinctively drawing his lightsaber to avoid being shot. And he can't very well talk to them over this level of noise, so all he can do is keep backing away as they keep shooting – to avoid being hit or hitting them.

This was not supposed to happen. Why does this keep happening?! He knows why they're attacking him, but that doesn't make it easy to be fighting the boys he would do anything for, even if these aren't his.

"He killed clones in the facility," he hears Fox calling to the others.

Wait, they think he did that?!

But –

Of course, they would, because he was following the trail of dead bodies, and no one else has seen the Dark Sider.

They would have no way to know what really happened, and he can't blame them for being angry. They have no reason to know that it wasn't him because they don't know him. They would have no way to know it wasn't him who did it.

He should surrender and explain now, except if he stops fighting for even a moment, he'll be hit. More shots – from above now – rain down on him and instincts kick in. Anakin lashes out with the Force, shoving the closest clones back, and takes off running.

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