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Chimarra is a continent far, far away from Pyrrhia and Pantala. It's so detached from the two continents, that the dragons of Chimarra only have 4 limbs - no wings.

First, there's SharkScales, the ocean-dwelling, killing machines who lurk around every shore of the continent, mercilessly tearing apart their prey - which sometimes includes other dragons. They're often compared to sharks, though they're more like orcas; clever and loyal to their tribe, but often bullies to every other.

Then there's SoarScales, the only tribe in Chimarra that can actually fly, and they dominate most of the land because of that. They can also breathe extremely hot fire and their scales are very heat-resistant, so it's no wonder they mainly live near volcanoes. SoarScales have had a historical hatred for SharkScales, and are the only land tribe who can consistently kick the 'shorestalkers' off mainland by using their fire.

ShadeScales are unique in Chimarra for being a tribe who can change the color of their glossy scales - only from white to black however, but it helps ShadeScales control their body temperature. ShadeScales can breathe both fire or ice, though it requires their bodies to be a certain extreme temperature for some time - which is easier said then done. While they used to live in the desert, they now have combined kingdoms with the SlimeScales underground.

The SlimeScales live in an expansive, cool cave system under Chimarra, where they swim through underground lakes and eat bugs or other cave-dwelling creatures. They lack tough scales, but instead have a soft skin that will secrete deadly poison if a SlimeScale was distressed. They've always tended to be more of an easy-going tribe, but since combining kingdoms with the ShadeScales, they've been a bit more active.

Finally, ShoreScales have distinct shell-looking scales covering nearly their entire body in an array of bright or pastel colors. Their scales are more than just pretty though, they're hard and help protect the ShoreScales from anything from gnashing teeth or fire. Despite their scales, they've long been the prey of SharkScales, and only have safety within the seaside cliffs or caves where they can climb safely away and hide. They've had little interactions with other tribes besides SharkScales and because of the disconnection, they no longer know how to write, and so have created a unique system of 'writing' through pictures.

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