Chapter 14 - Comeback

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TW: sh, death.

Wednesday 9:55 a.m

Jake's POV

I woke up by everybody screaming my name. "JAKE IF YOU SNORE ONE MORE TIME I'M SLAPPING YOUR FACE" Matthew said screaming in my face. "Goodmorning to you too babe" I said annoying him even more.

Everyone stepped out of the car to stretch. Gracy and Matthew were doing that lovey-dovey couple stuff like, Gracies hands on his neck while he picked her up and kissed her. "Okay guys please stop or you will pay for my therapy" I said and Matthew just flipped me off and kissed Gracy again.

"Can we just go home please" I said like a baby. "Sureeeeee" Matthew said and turned the car on driving out of the parking lot.

Finally we got to the house and we saw Will and Noah downstairs. "Morning guys, where's james?" I asked. I wanted to talk with him about hair on my face. Like is it normal for a beard to grow in a fucking week. James should know the answer. "Morning, he's in your room still sleeping" Will said changing the chanel on the tv. "Oh that son of a bitch, JAMES" I said running up the stairs almost falling on every step while everybody laughed.

Gracie's POV

Me and Matthew sat on the couch next to Will and Noah. "Hey matt, can i talk to you, privetaly?" Noah asked and Matthew nodded standing up. They went in to a separate room to talk upstairs aswell. I went to our room to change and take a hot shower.

I've been 3 weeks clean. It was really hard to not go to the blade and just cut my wrists and thighs up but i did so Matthew wouldn't notice anything. My scars have started to fade a little bit by each day. "Shit i have to do it" I said looking at the blade on the bathroom counter.

I did it. I had too. The blade slicing my skin was just such a good feeling for me. I loved feeling pain, afterall i did deserve it. "This one is for NOT loosing weight, this one is for being ugly, this one is for..." The list continued until i was satisfied with what i have done. Running my wrists after the hot water was the best feeling ever. I didn't cut my thighs though, cause Matthew bought me these cute shorts.

After my shower I felt clean as fuck. I loved showers. Sometimes, I would just stand in the shower and let the hot water burn my skin. I didn't realise i took so long in my 'everything' shower today. I took 3 hours. 3 FUCKING HOURS. It was now noon, 1 p.m or something.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I saw Matthew laying in bed. He was finally in comfortbale clothes. And you can't see that often. I put my stuff down and went to hug him. I could see that he was tired and so was I even though I woke up not so long ago. "I'm tiredd" Matthew said, digging his head into my neck. "Wanna have a nap?" I asked and he nodded so we dozzed off..

*Time skip bc im lazy af*

Matthew's/Smile's POV

We woke up a couple hours later. Atleast I did. Gracie slept for another hour and for the whole day we just chilled in bed. We went to eat of course but Gracie ate very very very little. She hasn't eaten much the whole time she was here. Maybe she just doesn't eat much.

We watched the 'Twillight' movie series. Gracie loves that movie so we decided to watch it. Me and Noah decided that I had to kill Sebastian Anderson today, cause tomorow - the gold. I decided to just keep it chill this whole day, but then at night i'm gonna become smile again;)

The movie series went by really quick. We watched 3 of the movies and left the other 2 for the next day. James and Noah called us downstairs. "Gracieee" Noah said and she nodded. "You wanna go with all of us to the beach? Except Matthew, we want to talk to you about him" He said and I started to laugh. "Yeah sure!" She said. I looked at Noah and gave him a thumbs up for getting Gracie out of the house while I go kill this Sebastian person.

It was now 9 p.m so it was perfect. Gracie got ready and went out with the boys while I go do some business you could say. Oscar put a tracking device on Sebastians car. It showed that he was out of town, next to this old bridge. Perfect.

I ran to the old bridge and saw him. He was out of his car talking to somebody. He looked angry, but yet stressed. I ran to the side that he was on and hid next to his car. It was now almost pitch black. I took my knife and scrapped it against his car so it would make this squeaking sound.

"Who's there?" He said turning back fast. "It's just me.." I said playing with him making everything move. The tree's, bushes and more. "I'll get you killed!" he said screaming. "Sorry love, i'll do it first" I said and shot his leg first, so he could feel the pain. I wanted him to suffer. "Bye, bye" I said shooting his arm and then his head.

I knew that in about 10 minutes the police would come so I light his car on fire, took his phone and left a note. "Guess who's back.... :)" I left the note next to his hand. I left my signature smile at the end so they knew that it was me. I ran back to my house. Not the mansion, my house. I took a quick shower before going to the woods to dig the phone up.

After that I walked home peacfully. Everybody came back a couple minutes after I did. We turned on the tv and there I was. Famous again.

"The killer Smile is back. He killed one of the most famous people in our city. Sebastian anderson. We are telling everybody to stay in their houses at night. Smile has made his comeback, people. Stay safe.." The news reporter said showing the crime scene and the note I left.

"Shit that fucking shithead made a comeback, now i will be scared to go outside again." Gracie said and I could see that she was scared. "Don't worry, we'll make sure to keep you safe" I said hugging her...


(1168 words)

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HEY GUYSSS. How do you like this part??? Eh i guess more smile content lol. Anyways i'm giving you a heads up that i'm going on vacation for like a month or more so if I don't post just know that I don't have a computer but maybe i'll write on my phone but i dont think so.

Sorry for any mistakes, love you lots!:)

Please eat and stay hydrated!!

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