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Coles pov

I was running late today due to getting caught up on the phone with my family. I was not prepared to overhear Lauren and Dalton talking about me when I walked in
Dal- so you like when he stops by after all
L- I don't know
Dal- so you're still in denial about it all
L- maybe
In denial about what? Does she miss my little visits ? I couldn't help but think I'm right after all she does like me but fights it cause she thinks it's easier. I smirked and walked to the locker room when I saw it was safe to not be caught by either of them.
Dav- look who finally decides to show up
C- sorry I was on the phone with my family and it lasted longer than expected
Dav- ok you're forgiven then
C- thank you
G- so how are you doing man
C- I'm good
G- no new frustrations with Lauren
C- no considering i haven't talked to her since last week after the game
Dana- since when do you stay away
C- since I'm confused about what I'm even trying to get out of all this
W- meaning
C- meaning I don't do relationships but I can't just sleep with her and toss her aside
Dav- aww
Dal- what's the aww about
C- oh nothing just talking about my talk with my family is all
Dal- is that why you're late
C- yes where were you
Dal- I had to run out to my car for something then got caught up talking with a certain someone
C- ok
We all got lost in finishing getting ready and I was tying my skates when gabe scooted next to me
G- so why did you change the subject when Dalton came in
C- I overheard him and Lauren talking about me when I first got here so I didn't want to be talking about her when he walked in
G- why you know he won't share any important stuff with her
C- I do but it's just easier this way
G- if you say so
We talked with the coach then I did my captain speech and now we're on the ice for the start of the game. Every now and then I would look up and look at Lauren's smiling face and it seems like every time I did she met my gaze and I could swear she was blushing too but I could just be hopeful in that aspect. I really need to figure out what I want from her and fast!

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